xix - ice on fire

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 : 𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞

Eris was in limbo; floating through an endless stream of air and space as nothing made sense. Ironically enough the only thing that did make sense was the fact that nothing made sense. She would have laughed at it, but she wasn't fully conscious in this inhuman realm of existence, and so she let herself be carried on in silence.

It wasn't until the lighter tones of her ocean of flowing air were interrupted by black ink spots. At first there weren't many, but soon they seemed to grow exponentially, clawing their splattering way through every peaceful light around her, until their tentacles surrounded her limbs, absorbing her in their looming darkness.

Eris was so cold.

That was the first and only thing she could think about as she clutched her hands against her chest, trying to keep any form of heath to herself, but unfortunately for her, it didn't do anything.

Eris was also completely drenched in liquid coldness that stuck to her skin uncomfortably. She started to shiver, eyes still closed tightly shut.

The trembling movement made the position she was in change. It was only then she could kind of anchor herself down to reality, but not fully, something was off.

She slowly started to make out the feeling of arms placed around her legs and back, accompanied by the rapidly rising and falling chest that supported her back and side. Somehow, it seemed like she fell through the chest every so often, she didn't know how to explain it.

Cold. So fucking cold.

Her jaws started to tremble involuntarily, apparently alerting the person who held her, as they seemed to press her closer to their chest.

The movement made Eris dare open her eyes momentarily. The blinding lights burned the brunette's senses, creating an excruciating headache that made her groan. She quickly shut her eyes again, but not before momentarily meeting the greens she had seen before.

"Shit." The owner of the eyes mumbled for an, to Eris, unknown reason. The voice set the girl off, as it was far too familiar, but in her preoccupied mindset, she couldn't place a name to the voice for the life of her.

Instead, she opted to try and reserve any warmth she could, instinctively leaning closer to the chest that felt more like a radiator to her.

"Hey," The voice suddenly started, sounding rough in it's low tone, "You have to stay awake."

She ignored the words, but somehow understood that it was probably better, even if sleeping sounded pretty good to her right now. So instead, she leaned her ear against the radiator, listening to its heartbeat to keep her tied to the conscious world.

Some time went by like that, listening to the rhythmic pace while preserving any warmth in her body, which was not much.

It wasn't until the arms around her tensed and the sound of a door opening was heard, that she couldn't focus on the heartbeat anymore.

More voices were heard than the one before.

"What the fuck happened?"

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