xiv - knowledge is power

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 »»————-  ————-««
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 : 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫

Eris bit back a wince, clenching her teeth tightly shut as George poured alcohol over her bleeding hand, the stinging sensation almost feeling worse than the glass that had pierced through it half an hour ago.

"Sorry." George mumbled absently as he kept his focus on the injured hand he held between his fingers, examining the wound closely as he dabbed at the corners of it with a white cloth, making sure it wouldn't get infected.

As the brunet continued to work on her hand, Eris' mind raced like a jaguar hunting down its prey, eating away at every rational and calm portion of her mind, only leaving other predators like paranoia to freely take over her mental state.

She had to leave. Now.

Even when she wanted to do anything but sit still, the faith of her injured hand, in the one's of her enemy, she remained rigid. She did not move a muscle as he continued to work.

His calloused but gentle hands, holding her arm like a precious possession, reminded her of the way Wilbur had bandaged her up so many times. The tiniest tingle flowed through the scar on Eris' eyebrow and a set of ghostly hands seemed to appear on her cheeks, the faint memory of Wilbur scolding her for being reckless as he simultaneously tried to console a crying Tommy haunting her mind.

Would he even care what was happening? She had been here for five days, and nobody had tried to find her. Maybe they did try, but maybe not.

Dream's words flashed through her mind like a taunting chant, telling her-, convincing her that they did not try. Some part of her believed it.

It had taken George around five minutes before he had bandaged up her hand after stopping most of the blood flow from the wound. He pulled back, standing up from his seated position in front of her.

Eris sat still on the white bed, watching his movements as he pulled back the wooden chair and put it back in his previous place, next to the table.

He stood in silence for a moment, staring down at the chair in front of him, like he was contemplating something, his lips pressed in a thin line.

"I'll check in tomorrow. Don't do anything stupid." He eventually said, meeting her stare for a fraction of a second before walking out of the door, locking it behind him.

The moment she couldn't hear the sound of his light footsteps down the hallway, she shot into action.

She had to leave. If they couldn't find their way to her, she would find her way to them herself.

Eris glanced around the room, scanning for potential escape routes. Unfortunately, there were none. The door was locked, she had tried to open it before, but whatever she did, it did not give way.

There were no windows in the bathroom, so that would also not be an option. Then, her eyes fell on the small bedroom window.

A plan formed in her head.

"Did I ever teach you how to escape handcuffs?" a man asked, looking over at a tired girl on the ground in front of him, leaning down slightly on the wooden sword he had placed on the ground.

The young girl sighed, before standing up and retrieving an identical sword from the ground next to her, "No, you haven't."

The pink-haired man nodded, repositioning his sword in front of him again, "Good."

HAYLOFT ➵ dreamsmpOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora