Ch10: Clovis' Funeral

Start from the beginning

 Around the casket lay millions of white roses that looked like a sea of white through the television screen. Seats were lined up along the back of the casket of high generals, Duchess', and nobility. Adelice felt her heart skip a beat as she saw Prince Schneizel sitting in one of the chairs next to Princess Cornelia and Princess Euphemia.

 He was dressed lavishly in a white and purple robe. Adelice's eyes traveled to Euphie and Cornelia... how long had it been since she'd seen them. Five years? Ten years? She missed them deeply and frowned as she saw Euphie's eyes starting to get watery. She desperately wanted to reach out to her and give her a hug. Her eyes traveled back to Schneizel not able to take her eyes off of him. His eyes seemed fogged in thought.

 His face was as serious as ever as he looked on at his brother's casket. She felt her heart rate increase a little as she kept watching him, a combination of fear and .. perhaps attraction. Her eyes traveled back to Lelouch who's expression hadn't wavered at all at the sight of his brother Prince Schneizel.

 “And now, his Royal Majesty, the 98th emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire....”, the man doing the voice over said. Adelice turned her eyes to Lelouch who's mouth had started to form into a frown as he saw his father. She turned her eyes back as she watched Lelouch's father on screen.

 “All men are not created equal. Some are born swifter. Some are born with greater beauty. Some are born into poverty. And others born sick and feeble. Every human is inherently different! Yes, that is why people discriminate against one another. Which is why there is struggle! Competition and progress. Inequality is not wrong! Equality is!”, the Emperor announced.

 Adelice's lips turn down into a frown as she continued watching. “Evolution is continuous! Britannia alone moves forward! Advancing steadily into the future. Even the death of my son Clovis demonstrates Britannia's unswerving commitment to progress. “We will fight on! We will compete and dominate! And in the end, the future shall be ours! All hail Britannia!”, he chanted. He held his hand up to the air making the audience present at the funeral chant with him.

 Adelice turned her blue eyes to Lelouch who was balling his hand into a fist, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. He was fighting his emotions as best as possible as he looked on at his father. She couldn't imagine how much this was eating into him.

 To hold back those feelings for so long and now to see the man you despise speaking after just losing your step brother. Adelice bit her bottom lip as the funeral progressed, occasionally watching Lelouch out of the corner of her eye.


 Adelice walked into the student council room, no sign of Lelouch even there. She frowned. She had for sure thought he would be here, she couldn't find him anywhere, he seemed to have disappeared after the funeral. “Adelice?”, Milly's voice called as she looked up from a piece of paper she was reading. Milly stood up from her chair and walked in front of Adelice, putting a hand on her shoulder. Talking in a quieter voice then before she asked. “What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home.”

 “I suppose but really I-”, Adelice was cut off by Milly shaking her head. “I know this is probably hard on you too.”, Milly said, a slight frown tugging on her lips. Adelice nodded slowly and sighed. “I was hoping Lelouch would be here, I didn't see him after the funeral.”, she whispered. Milly frowned more. “He isn't here. I haven't seen him either.”, she said as she walked back to the chair she was sitting in previously.

 “Go home Adelice. Take the day off from club activities. I'm sure it's been a long day for both you and Lelouch...”, Milly said, waving her hand at Adelice. A smile came to her lips, silently thanking Milly for being considerate and understanding. She quickly walked out and down the hall toward Lelouch's home, sprinting across the courtyard quickly. He had to be there, there wasn't anywhere else he could really be.

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