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Great! This town seems boring." Alice thought to herself as she looked around before entering her new house. They were always moving around, she never liked to tell anyone why. For someone who talked so much about anything and everything, she hardly ever spoke about herself. She ran up the stairs, pushing past her parents to make sure she got to choose the biggest bedroom. She chose the room with a big window that looked out onto a field, at the end of the field she could just about see a hill with what appeared to be a willow tree on top of it. Maybe a new place to escape to? She thought as she daydreamed.
Alice was tall, she had short, shoulder length, ginger hair and green eyes. She wished she could have longer hair but at her mother's wishes, she kept it short.

Her mother's name was Angela and her fathers name was John. Her mother was strict but fair and her father was hardly ever there, he was always away working. Alice didn't know exactly what he did for work, she just knew that it caused them to move around a lot. She didn't bother asking what his job was anymore as they'd never tell her, she gave up caring about it.

Her family were Christians but honestly she didn't know what she believed in. Her parents were okay with the fact that she was questioning her beliefs however they still wanted her to attend church on Sunday. It was Sunday tomorrow and Alice hoped that her parents didn't find a church nearby to go to by then, but they probably would.
Her main fear though was her new school. Her mother always taught her to be herself but people seemed to find it easy to pick on her, she thought she was normal, she didn't think she did anything wrong but people always seemed to find something to tease her about. Whether it be her looks or her interests, they always had something mean to say and she never knew how to stick up for herself, she wasn't one for confrontation.
Alice could never keep many friends, when she did make friends she always ended up moving away from them and even if she got a chance to go back and visit them for a summer, no one wanted to put in the effort. No one wanted a friend that they could hardly see, to them it wasn't worth it. She just wanted to be worth it to someone.

Alice was always an outgoing person, so much so that sometimes people found her too much to deal with. Sometimes she got locked on, and became excited about things and then wouldn't stop talking about them, even if the people she was talking to were clearly not interested. It was kind of sad, she was a sweet girl but no one gave her a chance. Maybe someone would one day.

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