Hanging with Mom

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Meghan's POV

I couldn't sleep all last night. I barely remember doing anything yesterday. I was at the airport, waiting for my mom. It was just me because one, I couldn't fit everyone in my dads car, and two, I just wanted it to be me and my mom. I was waiting impatiently for my mom. When I saw her come out I almost jumped from excitement. I ran to her and gave her a hug. We stood there hugging for what felt like forever. Finally my mom pulled away," Megs we got a whole day ahead of us, we should get going." We got to my dads car and I heard my mom take a deep breath. I looked at her," are you gonna be okay, Mom?" She nodded," Yeah, just started thinking about the good old days." I held her hand, "I'm sorry I took dads car." She shook her head," He was gonna give it to you anyway. I just wish he could see you now." I felt tears forming. "Mom, don't make me cry." I let out a small laugh. "Okay, so first, I want to check out the house, and then we can go get food because I'm starving." We both laugh. "Okay Mom. Sounds like a plan." We put her luggage into the car and she gives me directions to the house.

We get there and it is beautiful. "Wow Mom!" "Do you like it sweetheart?" "Like it? I love it! I'm so excited to have you move here. I really missed you Mom." I give her the biggest hug ever. She hugged me back and we stayed like this for a minute. Finally she let go. "I missed you too sweetie. I'm still so sorry for kicking you out if I-" I interrupted her, "Mom, it's okay." She smiled at me. We go inside and it is amazing. I ask, "Can I pull up my camera?" "Of course." I grab my camera and hit record, "Hey guys! So I'm here with my mom. Say hi to the fans mom." She waves, "Hello!" I giggle. I turn the camera back to me, "So I'm with my mom for the day and right now we are in her new home! I talk more about it later! Bye!" I turned the camera off and my mom showed me the rest of the house.  Afterwards we left to get food.  

We decided on McDonald's. My mom always loved McDonald's.  As we ate, I get a text from Sam.

Sammy my Bestie ❤: Hey! So when you get back, the band and I have some BIG NEWS!!!

Meg❤: Sounds Good!!

"Is it important?" My mom asks. "Oh, the band has some big news but they can wait." "If it's about the band, you should go." That gave me an idea, "Mom, do you want to come with me?" "Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt you and your band." "It's okay Mom, I want you to come." She smiles. I missed her smiling at me. "Okay. Let's go." We left and went to the house. As we were in the car I realized something, "Mom, I totally forgot, you haven't seen our house yet. I promise to give you the grand tour after." "Okay." We get there and we walk in, "Hey guys!" "Hey Meg," Sam calls. They see my mom and are surprised. "Hello Sam." She smiles and goes to hug her. "Hey Mar." Everyone goes and hugs her. I asks, "So, what's the big news?" "We have a meeting tomorrow with Hollywood records!" I started jumping with excitement. I looked at my mom and she looked so happy. "Mom?" "I'm so happy for you. Your dad would be proud of you." I started to tear up. She looks at everyone, "I'm excited for all of you. I'm sorry I almost ruined it." Before I could say anything, Six spoke, "Marlie, If it weren't for you, Meg wouldn't be who she is today. She's the best thing to happen to this band. We love her and are forever grateful for her." I smiled. My mom's tears let out. She pulls everyone in a hug. After I gave her the tour of our house. We stopped at mine and Sam's room. She looks at a photo of me and her before everything happened. "Mom?" "Yes?" "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm just a little sad I missed you growing up." I hug my mom. "You're here now. Why don't we take a new photo." She wipes her tears away, "That would be nice." I pulled out my phone. I pulled the camera. We smiled and took the photo. "Okay, sweetie. I'm a little tired. Can you drop me off at my hotel?" "Of course, Mom." I took her to her hotel and she gave me another hug, "Thank you for today. I'm glad I have my daughter back." I smiled. "I'll pick you up first thing tomorrow." "Okay, I love you my baby girl." I almost teared up. She hasn't called me that since the day before Dad died. "I love you too Mom." She left my car and I texted Charlie.

Me:Charlie I have news!!!!

Mr. Maple Man Charlie 😍:What?

Me: Our meeting with the producer is tomorrow!!!!

Mr. Maple Man Charlie 😍: That's awesome Babe. I'm proud of you. You deserve it.

That made me smile. I went back home and I didn't realize how tired I was so I fell asleep.

A/n I am so sorry. I had writers blocks and I had no idea how to write this chapter but I hope you liked it!!!!!

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