Being A Little Too Busy

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Meghan's POV

It's been a month since Dean and I had coffee. It wasn't a date so I'm not calling it a coffee date. Him and I were trying to catch up. Sam barely speaks to me. She still doesn't trust me. When Dean and I weren't on set we were just hanging out. Dean has changed. He's definitely different. He had the day off today and he tried to convince me to not go to set. I told him no and he didn't pressure me anymore about it. When I got to set something felt off. I went to everyone and said," Hey." Charlie said," Hey Megs, where's Dean?" "He has the day off." "Okay, we'll are you free after filming today? Because I-" I interrupted him," I, uh, actually have plans with Dean." Charlie sighed," Of course." He seemed a little pissed. I asked," What's wrong?" "It seems like lately it's be Dean this and Dean that. I- we've barely seen you." "I'm sorry, I just wanted to catch up with an old friend." "Oh, so now you're friends?" I was getting pissed now," What's that supposed to mean?" Then Charlie blew up," He's not just your "friend" he told me right before I knew it was you he was talking about that he was gonna try to get back with you." I scoffed," Wow, you too now. I'm sorry I've been busy catching up with him but you don't have to lie to me." He looked at me with disbelief," You don't believe me? You know what, fine. I can't believe I fell for you, but obviously you don't feel the same if you don't believe or trust me." I was shocked. Charlie, likes me? "Charlie,
I-" " Go have fun with Dean." He walked away. I felt tears coming. What did I do? I ran out and ran all the way to Dean. I knocked on his door. He saw me and I started explaining what happened.

Charlie's POV

I am so pissed off. I can't believe she didn't believe me. I never lied to her. I called Sam. She picked up," Hello?" "Sam?" "You good Charlie?" "No." I told her everything that happened. "He's doing it again." I was confused. She could tell by the silence that I was confused," Before they were a thing. He always kept Meg away from all of us. He'd basically made her extremely late to every practice. Then he asked her out and then they mess around." I knew what she meant. "Gross." "Sorry, then he broke her heart. I was the one who had to pick up the broken pieces. You need to tell her that he's gonna do something." "I already tried but she didn't believe me. I'm sorry Sam but I'm done. Bye." She tried to get me to stay on the phone but I hung up. I had to get ready for the next scene. Megs isn't in this scene so she'll be probably behind everyone else.

Meghan's POV
After I told him everything except Charlie liking me, he said,"I'm sorry Meg." He gave me a hug. I didn't hug him back. I was too upset. I looked at him," Thanks, Dean." I saw Dean start to lean on. I asked," What are you doing?" "Come on Meg, you know you still love me." He tried again. I tried to get out of his hug but he held his grip too hard. I managed to get out but he grabbed my wrist. "Dean, y-you're hurting m-me." "You worthless bitch. I was just gonna use you like I did before. Now you'll get what you deserve." He threw me down and started to kick me. It felt like it was going on forever. By the end I had a black eye, my wrist hurt like a bitch, and my stomach was in pain. He left and that was the last I saw of him. I got up and I ran to the bathroom. I started throwing up. I managed to pick myself up and leave that horrible place. I was glad that we didn't live that far away. I walked to the apartment and I knocked on the door. Sam opened it and I swear she almost fell. "Meg, what happened?" She pulled me into the apartment and sat me on the couch. She grabbed the fist aid kit. "Charlie and I had this fight and I went to Dean." I felt sick again. Sam could tell and grabbed a bucket. I threw up and I finished what I was saying," Then Dean tried to kiss me and I tried to push him off and then he held me too tightly and by the time-" I almost threw up again. "By the time I got out of his hug he grabbed my wrist and bruised it and then he threw me on the ground and kicked me. He left after that with a few things. Sam you were right. I should've trusted you and believed Charlie. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I started crying. Sam said," It's okay, we all make mistakes. What are you gonna do?" I sighed, which hurt my stomach," I don't know, but Sam, promise me that no one besides the band knows about this. Charlie's already mad at me and I don't know if he'll forgive me. I fucked up badly Sam." "Are you sure? Maybe you should go to the doctors.""No, I can't, please promise me Sam." She sighed," Okay, I promise." I grabbed my phone and I called Kenny. He picked up," Hello?" "Hey Kenny. I'm sorry I won't be there for a week or two, something came up with my mom." "Okay Meghan. Take your time, I know how much family is important." "Thanks Kenny,bye." I hung up and I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I saw how bad I looked. I was crying harder now. How could I be so stupid? I walked into my room and I laid on my bed and I fell asleep.

Charlie's POV

We had finished some scenes. Megs hasn't been here all day. Kenny brought us together and said," So Meghan's not gonna be here. She had a family emergency and so we'll have to do the scenes that she's not in for the next week."
We all nodded. I saw Madi texting her. I knew I should've asked Megs about her mom. I feel so bad for the way we ended things today. I couldn't text Megs though, she doesn't trust me. I never gave her a reason not to. I just need a little bit to cool off. We started getting ready for the next scene.

A/n sorry for this but I have an idea for the next chapter but it has to deal with abuse so I had to give the TW but I hope you like it.

Duet (Charlie Gillespie fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora