The Truth About Dean

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Charlie's POV

After Megs fainted, she was rushed to the hospital. I first called her mom and I let her know what's going on. After that I called Sam. "Hey Charlie." "Sam..." "Are you okay Charlie?" "It's Megs, she fainted." "We'll be at the hospital soon." She hung up and we all went to the hospital.
After we got there we waited until I saw Sam. She asked," Do you know anything?" Before I could say anything the doctor came to us. "Are any of you Family?" Sam spoke," I'm her sister." It made sense why she said that she's her sister. They both went to a different area. I didn't want to bother them since I want to hear what Megs has to say. Sam came back and said," She's gonna be okay, she just had a panic attack. We can go see her now." We all went to her room and she was awake.

Meghan's POV

When they all walked in I knew I couldn't keep it a secret. "Hey." My voice croaked. Sam was the first to come by the bed," Hey Meg, how you feeling?" "I- I don't know." Charlie came to the other side of the bed. I knew what he was gonna ask. "What happened Megs?" Before I could say anything we all hear a knock. We looked to see some guy at the door. "Meghan Westbrook?" "Yeah?" I was confused. "I'm detective Hallaubah. I came to talk to you about what happened with Dean Shooster?" "Yeah, Do you mind if my friends stay? I'd feel better if they did." It was the truth, but it's also they need to know the truth. "They can stay. Now tell me what happened?" I took a deep breath and started," It first started about a year and a half ago. We were friends for a while and we started to date. A month into dating, he started getting violent and..." I felt the tears coming. "Take your time." I had to let it all out. "He started abusing me. After a few months he finally left me for another girl. I was hurt for a while but I got over it. For about a year I haven't seen or heard from him. It was a month and a half ago I ran into him. We started talking and then I found out that we were working together so we started hanging out more." I looked at Charlie. "I got in a fight with my best friend about him and I went to him and he tried to kiss me and I tried to tell him no and then he held me and I finally got out but he grabbed my wrist and then he pushed me to the ground and started kicking me. After a while he grabbed a few things and left. That's the last I saw of him." Detective Hallaubah finished writing what I said down. "Thank you for your time." He left and I started crying. Sam gave me a hug. After a couple minutes I looked at Charlie. I asked," Can I speak to Charlie alone please?" Sam nodded and everyone left the room. It was silent for a moment. I finally spoke," I'm sorry Charlie. I should've believed you. Dean always knew how to play tricks on me. I-" I was interrupted by Charlie kissing me. Butterflies were exploding in my stomach, my heart was beating fast. We kissed for a moment and he pulled away. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled," I like you, Megs. I have for a while." I smiled. I patted my bed for him to lay next to me. I fell asleep.

Charlie POV

Megs fell asleep on me. That kiss was everything. I look at the door to see Sam standing there. "I've never seen Meg sleep so happily. She definitely likes you." I smiled. "I'm lucky to find a girl like her." I looked down on her and smiled. She was so peaceful. After what she told the detective I know that she's the girl I want and she deserves to be treated right. "Sam, how long have you known, that I like her?" "Since the moment we met. I saw the way you looked at her. It's the way I want someone to look at her. I'm glad you met." "Thanks Sam. You should probably go home. I got Megs." She nodded her head and left. I fell asleep not that long after.

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