Chapter Three

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I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I can't beleive what happened today! I feel like a slut. But I'm not one. My brother left to stay the weekend with his girlfriend. I sighed. At least he's happy that he wasn't a slut. My parents were getting ready to celebrate their wedding anniversary so they will be goe for the weekend. Why is everyone leaving me home alone already? There could be a killer on the loose and they still wouldn't care! I turned ove on my stomach and buried my face in the pillow. I heard my door creek open slowly. Someone sat at the end of my bed and I felt hands rub my back. "It's rough huh?" I heard the sweet voice of my mother. I sat up and cuddled up to her. She stroked my hair. "Did you want me to stay home with you?" She asked. I wanted her to but this was her daddy's weekend together. "No. You go have fun." "You could invite some friends over if you want. Just don't throw a party or I won't trust you ever again." She warned. I smiled. "Okay." She kissed my forehead and left. Thing was, I didn't have any friends. I could call Muscle Man but it was going to be awkward since he saw me and Mordecai. I would call Low Fives but he was the brother of Fives so it will be awkward between us. I would call Mordecai but I was scared that he might rape me. I decided to call Muscle Man anyway. He came over around six this evening. The whole time he mocked about what happened today. "Fine. Morecai started touching on me. Then, we started making out. Then clothes started to come off." I said. Muscle Man seemed satisfied with my answer. But then he urged me to call Morecai and Fives over. "If we do this, we could have a party!" He exclaimed. "No party." I said. "Why not? We'll clean the mess up. I promise." He said. I agreed with him.   They both came over with alcohol and illegal stuff. So did Skips and a whole bunch of other people. Mucsle Man put the music on full blast. I drank some but then I started feeling very hot almost like getting horny. I saw Fives smirk at me. I really felt drowsy and hyped up. Mordecai carried me to my room. Fives closed the door and locked. Why couldn't I say no to people sometimes? Those fools drugged me!

<3 I Would Smile For You <3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz