Chapter Two

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Mordecai's POV:

I can't beleive what I saw! Rigby and Fives that was getting ready to screw! I felt jelous because I really started to like Ridby and Fives just take him away! Rigby pulled his short back down and walked over to me. "Mordecai! It was nothing! I swear!" Rigby said. "No it's okay I will be leaving now." I said as I turned away.  But Muscle Man had already walked down with three boxes of pizza in gis hands. "Man, I'm starving! We gonna eat or what he said.
Fives were playing video games, Muscle Man was yelling 'murder', and Rigby stood in the kitchen in silence. I went up to Rigby and placed my hands on either side of his head. "What's the matter?" I asked. Rigby shook his head. "It's nothing. I hate this place." He said. "You have me, Rigs. You wanna go play shirts and skins?" "What's that?" "How about I show you?" I said as I pressed my lips against his.
-------Rigby's POV-------

I can't beleive he was kissing me! I thought he was mad at me. But now I feel like a whore. What if everything that happens to me today gets out? I don't want to be known as something that I'm not! I tried pushing him away but he felt under my shirt and massaged my chest. Then he unbuckled my belt and felt underneath. I heard giggles and then I saw Muscle Man peeking from the corner. Muscle Man had a reputation for being a big mouth. People started calling him 'News Feed' because he think he knows too much. "Mordecai, I can't." I moaned and tryed to push him away again but his body was like a brick wall. Now I see why my gym teacher recommended me to take Weight Lifting! He moved to my neck and started suckling. Now I saw Fives smirking like a idiot at the corner. Then a few more people came. I heard someone saying, "Rigby, I'm gonna beat your ass! I'm gonna beat you so hard until the candy come out of you!" It was my friend Margaret. "Yeah! Me and Fives taught you better than this!" Musvle Man said. "Stop...People is coming..." I said between moans. Then, he pressed my hand against his hard cock and then let me go. Fives patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good job, man! Now it's my turn!" He said. I quickly passed them both and went outside. Now I felt like a complete whore!
------------Author's Note------
Rigby's POV is based on a true story that happened recently. My school is full of bisexuals and gays. (I am a guy is some haven't noticed). It was a morning before school started and I was hanging with some friends. This dude who always looked at me weirdly, his voice sounded slo but he wasn't, he grabbed my hand roughly and said, "We need to talk". But we wasn't going to talk he pulled me to a corner, where no one can see us and kissed me. Then he lime the story, did the exact same thing like Mordecai did to Rigby. I didn't get into a fight but my best friend said that she was gonna beat me up because she wanted me to literally punch him in the face. And this guy I had liked and he knows I like him did grab the harraser on the shoulder and said that it was 'his turn'. So that's preety much what happened.

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