🤍Part Five🤍

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Even though you hadn't wanted Michael to have been inconvenienced, you hadn't necessarily had the strength to argue, or at least pretend that you were fine enough to return on your own. It was undeniable that there had been a certain closeness between the pair of you, despite the fact that he had barely just employed you.

Bill's words had resounded in your mind the whole ride to your apartment, and you thought he might have been right. Michael had taken quite a liking to you, one that neither of you could explain.

As if the universe had been on your side, it hadn't been too difficult for Michael to have accompanied you to your apartment without being noticed - even though there was the lingering worry that crowds would build in the blink of an eye.

Presently, the pair of you were standing outside of your apartment door, your hands fumbling for your keys so that you could unlock it. Thankfully, you'd caught hold of your keys before the wait had become too long, and as you pushed open your door, you turned back to look at Michael.

"Perhaps you would...like to come inside for a bit?" you offered nervously, hoping not to make the moment awkward.

His eyes widened slightly, but not denoting a negative reaction.

"That's very kind of you, but I wouldn't want to inconvenience you. Besides, it would be best if you rested," he stated softly.

"Oh please, if there's anything I need more than rest, it's good company," you laughed a little, shrugging. "It'd be nice to finally have someone else other than myself to talk to for a bit," you snorted.

Unable to refrain from laughing, he nodded as you ushered him inside, his soft voice giving you chills as he brushed by you. "If it's what you'd like, then it'd be my pleasure,"

Once he had entered, you pushed the door shut, and motioned for him to make himself comfortable. You fetched him a glass of juice even though he had insisted that you not trouble yourself, and eventually you settled down next to him - at a reasonable distance, of course.

His eyes always seemed to be drawn to you, and the longer he would look at you, the more he would subconsciously smile. In turn, you found yourself feeling as if you could trust him - a feeling that you'd only ever felt with Linda before you'd met him.

"Were you being serious when you implied that you were on your own for most of the time?" he asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Yep," you sighed reluctantly. "I've been on my own for quite some time, about three years," you chuckled. "Well I've had Linda, so maybe not completely alone,"

You looked at him again, and giggled when you saw how confused he looked.

"Alright, this is going to sound crazy, because it's not something I've ever revealed to anybody...but I....lost a large portion of my memory in a car crash, three years ago...and ever since, I've never been able to remember who I was before it, or what my life was like," you took in a deep breath. "If Linda hadn't been the angel that found me, I don't know what might have happened,"

His jaw fell open in disbelief. "You're joking, right?"

"I wish I was," you grimaced. "It's an inexplicably distressing feeling to remember what the world is like, but not the role you play in it,"

"Oh my God, I'm...so sorry," he let out an exapserated breath. "So....your name-"

"No memory whatsoever of the majority of my identity, but here's a shocker - I'm aware of my age," you rolled your eyes. "It's the most frustrating feeling ever - to almost have your finger on the answers, but not quite,"

With a much more intrigued gaze, Michael responded. "Weren't you taken to a hospital when you were found?" he inquired.

Suddenly, your body froze as you felt an unanticipated onrush of anxiety knocked the wind out of you, causing you to become dizzy once more. Michael was quick to pick up on this, and he rushed over to help you.

"Althaia!" he panicked, reaching out to hold you steady, despite the fact that you were seated. "I think we should take you to a hospital," he tried to stand up to look for a telephone, but you grabbed his arm, stopping him.

There was still a peculiar sense of foreboding within you at the idea of being taken to a hospital, even if that was the more logical option.

"No, please," you shook your head.

"I think it would be better if you got medical attention," he argued.

But your grip tightened, and you gave him one last imploring look, asking him not to take you right before you lost consciousness altogether.

•──⊹⠂⋆ ・⊹──•

You opened your eyes to nothing but darkness, leaving you puzzled beyond belief. You couldn't see anything around you, and when you tried to move, you became aware that you were seated in a chair - tied up. Instantly, panic began to consume you as you struggled, looking around hopelessly.

"Hello?!" you called, hoping to find some form of help.

At the sound of your voice, a bright light came alive, revealing your vision to the sight of an empty warehouse, with your chair placed right in the middle of the room.

Then, you looked back at your form, and noticed that you were no longer bound. Relieved, yet still confused, you got to your feet and scanned the empty area. It felt eerie and cold.

All of a sudden you heard laughter from one of the corners behind you, making you spin around to see whom it was. The sight left your blood cold, because the person you were looking at was you. More specifically, she was a version of you that you couldn't remember, nor recognize. She appeared slightly younger, but she clearly wasn't aware of your presence. In fact, she was looking at someone you couldn't see.

You moved closer and realized that she was actually holding a telephone receiver to her ear, which you hadn't noticed at first. She appeared to be giggling happily, her eyes sparkling in a way you envied - even though you were the same person.

Her clothes were also striking. She wore a yellow summer dress that fit her figure perfectly - your figure. Her skin was radiant, so the yellow colour only served to enhance that. The hem of the dress stopped right above her knees, and on her feet she wore flats that worked perfectly with the outfit. Around her neck hung a delicate chain with a silver butterfly pendant, and her earrings were visibly crafted in the same style.

Once you were close enough, you could hear her - you - talking.

"Of course I miss you, silly, and you know I love you," she giggled into the phone, her cheeks turning red.

Too quickly, you heard another voice behind you, making you spin around to see yourself again, clad in a different outfit. This version of you was incredibly upset, seated on the cold floor with her head buried in her hands as she sobbed.

You took a step forward to approach her, but stopped when you heard someone call her by a different name - to which she responded.

The source of the other voice could not be seen by you, but it was the voice of a male. The voice uttered the name again, and you heard it a little clearer. Out of nowhere, a part of you recognized that name - like you had known it all too well.

It was your name - that's all you could understand, despite not understanding it all. It was the most overwhelming thing.


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