🤍Part Three🤍

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Not too long after he had officially introduced himself to you, he had offered you a brief tour of the place, with himself serving as the tour guide. Bill had been asked to take care of Daniel, whom you had correctly assumed was the little boy that had dashed past you just a little earlier, for the time being. Despite it being your first time there, everyone felt incredibly warm and kind, an energy one could easily become addicted to.

Michael wasn't as intimidating as you had anticipated him to be, and that made your first day all the more easier. The way he interacted with you was very gentle and benevolent, something you appreciated dearly.

"I know we only just met a few minutes ago...but I'd just like to thank you for being so kind to me," you smiled as the two of you walked casually along one of the passageways, passing by a few framed photographs.

"You needn't thank me for anything. Honestly, I should be thanking you for not storming out after the incident," he grimaced. "I was horrified for a moment, thinking I'd caused some serious injury,"

"Was I supposed to storm out?" you inquired with somewhat of a playful gaze.

"No, but it's what many before you have done," he replied. "Not every assistant of mine has nurtured the sort of patience needed to improvise when it comes to my son," he waved a hand dismissively. "So they leave, and I certainly don't stop them - because my son is the most important thing to me," his eyes turned a little sad.

You couldn't help but observe the way his eyes drifted off toward a small framed photograph that rested on one of the display tables. Cautiously, you permitted your own gaze to look at it as well, and you could see that it was a picture of Michael, his son, and a woman that you couldn't make out too clearly.

Before you could take a closer look, Michael had snapped out of his thoughts, redirecting his attention to you, to which you responded by tearing your focus away from the photograph.

"I do not know you well yet, so I can't predict how you will get along with Daniel, but I hope you aren't like the rest," he continued. "Some part of me already knows you're different, though, I'll admit," he gave you a halfhearted smile, evidently still affected by whatever thought came to his mind after he looked at the photograph. "Today's your first day, so I won't assign you any tasks to handle just yet,"

A little puzzled, your facial features contorted into an expectant look.

"You're free to roam about, move around as you please. I'd like you to get a better feel of the place on your own, because if you're going to be working for me, it'd be very helpful for you to be well acquainted with the area. Take today as something like that of a trial run. Go about your day here, and by the end - we'll be sure about what the next step is,"

Nodding your head in acknowledgement, you gifted him yet another well-mannered smile.

He scanned you again, eyes lingering on your face thoughtfully before shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants as he turned to leave. In an unexpected movement, however, he stopped to address you one last time.

"Oh, yes, I...forgot to mention," he added. "You may enter any room you wish to, but there are certain rooms that are locked, and their closed doors are marked with a garland of violet flowers each - and those are the rooms you aren't allowed to enter. I hope you'll understand,"

"Of course," you heeded.

The sight of your humble smile seemed to tug at something inside of him, making him stare at you for a moment too long before he finally excused himself and walked away.

After the passing of a few more minutes, it fully dawned on you that you now had the allowance of an entire day to try and learn as much as possible about the place you hoped to be working for the better half of your potential employment.

The mansion itself was gigantic, so you hadn't even bothered about scouring the rest of the grounds.

One step at a time.

You had a great deal to acquaint yourself with.

⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

Somewhere in the middle of strolling about the halls, taking in all your surroundings, you had found yourself approaching the kitchen area, immediately noticing that it spanned a remarkable distance. From where you had been standing, you could hear faint noises in the kitchen, but you weren't very certain. Hence, you swiftly approached the large kitchen, being met with the sight of a predominantly empty cooking area until your gaze landed on the sight of a slightly older woman, who was apparently washing a few dishes in the sink - her back facing you.

She clearly hadn't been aware of your presence, so you knocked gently against one of the tables, making her turn around with a start.

"Oh, oh my goodness," she turned off the faucet, moving to greet you again. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart, I didn't know you were there," she laughed. "What can I do for you?" she hastily wiped her hands dry on the apron she'd had on.

"No, no, please, there's no need to apologize," you waved her off respectfully. "I'm just...new here, and I'm still trying to get a feel of everything here," you giggled shyly.

"Ah, you must be the new assistant, Althaia!" she beamed. "We were advised to expect a new face here," she extended her hand. "It's lovely to meet you, darling, I'm Carol," she rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm the senior housekeeper here...obviously," she referred to the way she looked.

"Yes," once again, you fumbled, your eyes widening. "No! I mean yes I am the new assistant, but no you don't look-"

"Don't worry, dear," she couldn't help herself from giggling. "There was no misunderstanding,"

Once again, you couldn't refrain from an awkward giggle, bringing your hand up to your mouth as you did this.

Seeing your gesture, Carol tilted her head subtly, now studying you intently.

"You know..." she began thoughtfully. "You are-" she stopped herself as if she had been about to say something she wasn't supposed to say.

This switched the whole energy of the encounter, making her seem troubled. She diverted her gaze and began to shake her head.

"Is...everything okay?" you asked slowly.

She glanced at you for a long moment, eyes fixated only long enough to let a thought pass by before she excused herself and brushed past you.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled hastily as she left.

In a state of total confusion, you stood there - bewildered at how unimaginably quickly everything had shut down.

What was going on?

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