The Dark Lord's Heir, ch. 5

Start from the beginning

"Alright there, Ginny?" Harry's voice called out to them. They turned to see him, along with

the other adults, walking over. All their eyes were cast on Harmony. "Keeping an eye on our friend here?"

The girl's eyes met briefly before Ginny straightened and nodded to him. "She's fine, Harry. I'm watching her."

"That's good. Because for a second there it looked like the two of you were headed out the door."

The girls didn't dare look at each other then. Ginny shrugged one shoulder innocently.

"We're just helping Hannah and Neville set up for the wedding."

"That so?" He looked to Harmony. "Where's Scrimgeour?"

"Napping off a bottle of wine." Harmony answered in a biting tone, so he knew she didn't appreciate the interrogation.

"Oi, mate!" Ron shouted from the bar, cheeks flushed and eyes shining. He raised his pint a little too quick, spilling some on the floor. "Oh, sorry. Hey! Come and have a drink, Harry. You've got some catching up to do!"

"Actually, I'm going to help set up for the wedding," he replied without taking his emerald eyes off Harmony. "You don't mind, do you?"

Why, yes I do mind, you conniving, scheming, lecherous--

"No, of course not," she said with a tight smile.

He stepped in close to her, too close for comfort, until she could see her reflection in his full-moon spectacles. He took the white fabric out of her arms and, for the briefest of moments, their hands touched. There was a green flash and a woman's faint scream echoed in Harmony's mind. Harry gasped and stepped away. He was looking at Harmony differently now. All smugness gone, his eyes were wide, brows up in worry. No, more than that. He was afraid of her.

"Harry, you alright?" Ginny asked.

He blinked and his fear faded away. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He gave Harmony a reproachful look before taking a wide step around her and heading to a corner of the pub.

That scream had been Harry's mother the night she died, Harmony knew. And the flash of green had been Voldemort's curse that killed her. Because a piece of his soul rested within her, she had felt it like an old memory when she and Harry touched.

Harmony shivered. Her skin didn't feel quite right, like something slithered, lurking beneath the surface.

The adults found a table to congregate at and Hannah rushed in to grab food and drink orders. Although they talked amongst themselves in hushed tones, Harmony caught their occasional distrustful glances in her direction. She and Ginny went about placing white candles on each table. Harry used his wand to lift the long, white fabric and drape it among the rafters.

"Sorry, Hermione. We'll just have to bide our time for now," Ginny muttered while they were sitting down, folding napkins.

Harmony glared at Moody, Lupin, and Mr. Weasley while they dug into their dinner. She could blast her way out of there easy, just set the whole building ablaze and make her escape. But she didn't want to risk anyone innocent getting caught in the crossfire. Ginny, Neville, Hannah.... They didn't deserve to suffer her wrath. She had to do this smart and silent.

"I'll go tonight, when everyone's asleep," she said.

"They'll keep an eye out, to be sure. One suspicious move and they would be all over you." Ginny dropped the napkin she had been folding with a sigh.

"What is it?"

"Why don't you stay for the wedding?"

Harmony frowned at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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