Chapter 6

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"Arlianë?" They asked confused.
"Yeah, it's my second name. You remember when I tould you my father wasn't a hobbit?" Piper answered.
The boys were just quiet.
"Well, then I can tell you. You see, my mother was is a hobbit, from the Shire. My father, he wasn't. Have you ever noticed how my feet isn't as big as yours, or that I have blone hair unlike the other hobbit girls? My father was a woodland elf. I haven't ever visited Mirkwood. I live at the Shire as a hobbit, but I couldn't just ignore my father's kin. I've studied elvish history, and of course I know my king when I see him.
My whole name is Piper Arlianë Riverbound."
Piper said.

"That's freaking awesome!" Merry yelled and ran to hug her. The other boys joined the hug too.
"I'm so glad you don't hate me for not telling this to you, but I was scared that I would get even more bullied if the other girls found out I was part elf." Piper explained.

"Alright everyone, calm down now." Gandalf said. The elven king was standing next to him.
"May I ask a question, my king?" Piper asked and bowed.
"You may, Arlianë."
"How did you know my name, my lord? I believe we've never met eachother." Piper asked.
"We have met, fifteen years ago. You were born here. When your father died at a battle, your mother wanted to take you to live at the Shire, since it was 'more peaceful' there than here in Mirkwood. You're too young to remember a thing like that."
Piper nodded her head.

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Sam's pov:
We listened Gandalf and Thranduil speaking the whole night. I was dead-sleepy.
The last thing I remember is being carried down a stairs to a room with my friends, and being settled to a mattress to sleep.

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