Chapter 3

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Storyteller's pov

Piper came out of the secret cave, and looked at Merry running faster than ever. She laughed a bit, and then followed him, by walking though.

Merry was already at the marquee. He ran to the boys, and told them:"I did it." He gasped out for breath as he spoke. "I finally managed to say it. Come, follow." He said. Merry lead the other boys outside, and they were smiling, already knowing what this all was about.

He told them the whole thing.

"Awww, did you kiss her already?" Frodo asked and hugged Merry. "Um, I-"He was about to speak, but Sam interrupted:"I bet he did. If that boy could get a chance to be with her alone, he would kiss her all day." Sam, Frodo, and Pippin laughed. Merry blushed.

"I'm proud of you cousin." Pippin said to Merry. "You were finally able to get yourself a lady." Then he mad a wink face.

Piper suddenly arrived and hugged Merry from behind, nuzzling her face to his soft curls. "Heeelloo boys!" She said happily. "You wanna come over for the night?"

Boys looked excited, and of course they wanted to have a sleepover.

They started to walk towards Piper's hobbit hole, and Merry took Piper in his back. He carried her, she was way too tired to walk by herself.

           Next morning

Piper's pov

Wow. I feel so happy. Gosh I love my boys. I thought, and got up of my bed. Merry, Pippin and Frodo were still sleeping at the floor. Like three puppies.

"Sam must be awake already." I muttered and put on my black shorts and a common blue shirt. I also put on my blue waistcoat, you know that kind of coat that every hobbit boy has. I let my hair just be.

I walked slowly to the kitchen, and I saw Sam drinking tea at the table.

"Good morning Sam!" I chirped.

"Good morning." He answered.

I took also some tea, and then went to look for some cookies. I found chocolate chip cookies at the corner cabin of my kitchen, and offered the jar to Sam. "Here, eat quickly before the others wake up. You know they'll eat everything." I said, and he gladly accepted my offer.

We just sat there, drinking tea and eating cookies.

Frodo stumbled to the room. "Did I hear somebody saying cookies?" He grinned, looking at the cookie jar.

"COOKIES!" Merry and Pippin ran to the kitchen.

Merry took one cookie, and sat next to me. I kissed his cheek lightly. Frodo looked disgusted."Cmon guys! We're eating!" He said. "Okay, sorry I'll stop." I said and smiled.


I'm sorry this one is short! The next one will be much longer!

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