Chapter 4

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Storyteller's pov

The hobbits heard a loud knock at the door.
"I'll open it." Piper said and sprinted to the door. She opened the door, and the sight was firstly pretty surprising.
Gandalf the Grey, a mighty wizard smiled at her, and Bilbo Baggins stood right next to him.
"What a surprise! Master Gandalf and Master Bilbo! Come in, and have some tea!" Piper chirped happily.
"Tea would be nice." Gandalf agreed, and entered to the small hobbit hole. He sat at a small wooden bench, and Piper rushed to her kitchen. Bilbo had stayed at the hall with Gandalf.
"Who was it?" Pip asked.
"Why wouldn't you all go to the hall and see my visitors yourself?" Piper replied sassily.
She started to prepare some of the finest green tea she had. The tea was one of the best flavours in middle-earth, Master Bilbo had brought it from his adventures, and given it to her.

Tea was finally ready.
Piper took two beautiful porcelain cups, and a sugar cup, and some honey, in case that Gandalf would use it. She didn't know how Gandalf usually drunk his tea.
Piper walked to the hall with te tray and all tea stuff. She offered the tea to Gandalf and Bilbo, and they took it happily.
"Isn't there any tea for us?" Frodo questioned.
"No, There isn't. Go and make your own tea, you know where everything is." Piper replied and stayed with the visitors, Pippin, Sam, Frodo(who was after all too lazy to prepare a tea for himself) and Merry at the hall.
"That was very good tea, Piper." Gandalf said. "Thank you master Gandalf, I got it from master Bilbo." Piper said.

"So, why are you exactly here? Did you just drop by or did you plan this meeting?" Sam asked before thinking about it a little.
"I was just about to forget it, thank you for making me remember dear Samwise." Gandalf said, and continued:" We are here to send you all on an adventure!"
All five hobbit childs looked very surprised.
"You'll be going to Mirkwood, the Woodland Realm to help the elven king Thranduil. He asked me for a little help. He needed a couple good friends, people who could talk and discuss. I thought about you first. You'll be leaving after an hour, I have a couple things to show you before; and Bilbo here would like to give you some advice of the elves." Gandalf said.

Piper ran to her room and packed her things. Only a couple shirts, pants, and she put on her green thick travelling cloak. She also put on her dark brown boots, and braided her hair up into two french braids. She was now ready to leave.
The boys had gone to their homes pack their stuff, but they were arrived at Piper's already.

After Bilbo had told them a couple common sayings in elvish, and told them about their history and culture,  they were ready to leave.
Gandalf led them outside.
"Uh, Master Gandalf, how are we going to travel to Mirkwood? " Piper asked.
"You always come up with good questions, Piper dear. I have asked for help, and you're going to fly with the eagles."
They waited for a while, and all of the time Piper was holding Merry's hand.

They saw the eagles coming.

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