Chapter 5

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Timeskip to Mirkwood-

The five hobbits and Gandalf arrived in front of a mighty forest.
"Ahh, Greenwood. But I believe it's called Mirkwood these days. Oh the mighty woodland realm." Gandalf said and sighed.
Piper hadn't still gotten over the feeling of flying. It had bewn so marvelous, seeing the sun, all kinds of lands and kingdoms. It had been a long day.
They walked into the forest, hobbits following Gandalf. They walked in silent. The hobbits were holding hands as they moved in a short line.
They suddenly saw a big,beautiful silver gate with two guards standing next to it.
They started to approach the gate.
"Good evening Eldrár." Gandalf said to a guard;"Lord Thranduil is excpecting us."
"Good evening Gandalf." Eldrár said.
All hobbits suddenly listened more closer. His voice had been something incredible, musical but still dark and tough.
Frodo kept staring at the elf for a little longer than the others, but was soon dragged away by excited Pippin.
The guards opened the gate, and the travellers walked in. And oh god it was beautiful. [PICTURE]
Gandalf led the hobbits to a big hall. The only light there came from a couple torches. It was a little cold.
"I'm feeling a little cold." Piper said and rubbed her arms.
Merry ws just about to give her his jacket, when she let out a squeal. All boys and Gandalf looked over to her.
There was a tall elf behind her. Piper had now a big, red royal cape on her shoulders. Though it was more like a blanket for her.
"There you go, dear."
A perfect voice spoke up. Piper looked up at the elf, and admired his facial features. Sharp high cheekbones, ice blue eyes, thin pink lips, and a perfect porcelain skin. His thick dark eyebrows were the perfect shape, and he had long platinum blond hair. The best had still been his voice. It was dark, rich, melodius, warm and soft. Like pure honey. He was even more beautiful than in Bilbo's old drawings and books.
"Thank you, my lord, you didn't need to." Piper said and bowed low as the elf walked towards Gandalf. The other hobbits looked at Piper with confused expressions. "Rise, Arlianë." The elf said.
Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin were even more confused.

(the next one will be even shorter :P)
I will update more as soon as I can!
I hope you enjoy!
I love you!

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