5. kara cooper

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"I don't care how you make it happen, Clarke

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"I don't care how you make it happen, Clarke. Kill Octavia and Lilith if you have to. bring them to me in chains, and I'll do it for you, or if they can surrender themselves, but your red and queen and princess doesn't seem like the types."
"let us worry about that."
"we have an understanding, then."
"we do"
"good. call me back when it's done, and we can work out the details of your crossing. over and out."
"no way"
"we are not killing my sister, Clarke. or Lilith, she's just a kid. she's Madi's age Clarke"
"she could kill Madi. the look in her eyes I think she might. they're crazy"
"I don't care how crazy they are. run the loop. the rover's charged. we're getting our friends."
now I walk in
"I'm glad someone cares about me and O"
"save it Clarke. if Bellamy said no , I won't tell octavia. if something happens to her. you'll all be in the pit with me. and I don't even have to worry about y'all doing anything to me. trust me. and clarke I wouldn't hurt Madi while she is wonkru. If I were you I would make sure it stays that way."
here comes Bellamy, always has something to say
"Lilith I can not believe you were in on the worms, our friends can get killed."
"acceptable loses"
"octavia said the same thing."
"blodreina is right. and I won't even tell her about you taking the Rover.. if you take Madi with you."
"are you really that jealous of my daughter?"
"I'm not jealous of anybody. I just know that no good can come out of her being here."
"finally something we agree on"
I nod
"I'll leave y'all be now. safe travels. It was nice to get to see all of you."
as I'm walking out i see octavia. great.
I nod my head
she nods her head
"are you ready to talk to Clarke and them"
"yes let's go"
as we walk in you can tell they were talking about something they didn't want us to here. I was apart of that conversation just seconds ago. they all look at me probably thinking I told O. I'm not a liar.
"the spy did her job?"
"uh, we were just about to send for you."
"oh I'm sure you were"
"we told you two echo would get it done."
"can the enemy still see us?"
"for now, yes. it's technical, but-"
"he has to run a loop to mask our troop movements. when the time comes, we need to clear the surface to reduce the risk of anyone noticing the same people moving in the same direction again and again."
she just said a lot of crap. but it kinda makes since they notice it's a loop
"we'll done, Monty. load the worms into the rover. mobilize the army. it's time for night monster to come out. War is here."
everyone walks out but I stay for a minute and look at everyone
"y'all should've moved faster. for what it's worth I really am sorry Clarke. I didn't want Madi to die at battle, kinda wanted it to be at my hands"
I smirk and walk out but I hear her yelling and can tell Bellamy's holding her back. time for night monster.

Octavia has done so much for me

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Octavia has done so much for me. why am I mad at her over Madi being her second? that's so stupid. i need to start acting like a warrior and stop acting like a child
"Night monster we need you."
some warrior came up to me freaking out
"what's wrong"
"Im not sure. Blodreina asked for you."
I nod and we start walking off to O
"O what's wrong"
"something's happening with the worms"
the worms. cooper's with the worms. I start walking faster and we finally get there and Indra was there
"I heard screams, but I was too late."
cooper. oh my gosh. don't freak out lilith wait til later. be a warrior. you're okay. you can't overreact over death. you're at war it's normal.
"there's a hole in her glove. must have got in while she was loading them up."
we weren't taking the grown worms. she was killed.
"I'm sorry, blodreina. If I didn't use the gas and the worms escaped into the bunker-"
"you made the right call, Indra."
I take a step closer not fully trusting Indra anymore
"I know this isn't a good time, but I feel it's my duty to point out that without the worms to soften the battlefield, the cost in lives will be too high. this is not a war we should fight."
"hmm, thank you for you advice, seda,"
"I don't really think that is you duty Indra. especially since you don't even know the plan"
"we weren't planning on using the worms. we are using their eggs. whoever wanted this to look like an accident, they didn't know that, either. "
"whoever did this is going in the pit. tonight. with me"
"find Bellamy"
"and clarke"
I give Indra a look, I hope my suspensions about her are wrong. we walk out. The guard finally found them and it's time for us to go get them
"Octavia, Lilith -"
"get her Miller"
"you're under arrest for the murder of kara cooper."
"what? No this is insane."
"is it?"
"the worms weren't going Bellamy. their eggs were"
"and those eggs are already loaded in the rover"
shouldn't have said that O
"please someone tell me why would cooper be there?"
"careful big brother, or I'll think you helped her. and we don't have enough prisoners to settle this in the arena."
seriously he should be in there too
"oh, well. guess we'll have to settle with just me and you Clarke"
"let's go"
"keep Madi safe, promise me. keep her away from Lilith. please Bellamy"
I smirk why does she think I want to kill Madi so much.
"I promise"
and I laugh.
"that's cute Clarke"
we all went to the war table
"(all of me for all of us)"
we all pass the food and say it.
"what about the girl. Madi?"
Miller ask
"I wouldn't tell her yet O"
she nods
"she comes with us in the rover as planned. once she finds out about it, the war will be over, and we'll deal with it then."
"sorry, blodreina. "
a guards comes through and then so does Bellamy
"let him in, get some sleep. tomorrow we ride."
I look at her to see if she wants me at and she nods so I nod back and get up to go to our room but she grabs my hand
"I need night monster, Lilith"
I nod
"and you'll have her blodreina"
I go to the door but stop since Miller and Bellamy are in the way
"so much for the 100"
"let it go, Miller"
"come on Mil let's go train"
I don't want to leave her alone. especially not after what happened. but now it's time for me to get serious. it's time for war.
"how you doing through all this kid"
Miller ask as we get ready to fight
"I'm okay. as good as you can be at war I guess"
"you know you're the best we got."
*swords hit*
"I don't care who Octavia's second is. you're you Lilith. the night monster."
I nod my head
"that means a lot Miller"
he nods his head
*swords hit*
why would she pick Madi over me
*swords hit*
I'm on my back. I just got knocked down.
"maybe you're more stressed than you think if I just won-"
I sweep my leg and knocked him down
he's on the ground and I get back up
"the fights not over til I say"
he tries the trick I did but it doesn't work and I laugh
"dang it how do you do that"
I shrug and give him my hand.
"thank you for this"
"we're just training Lil"
"I know but I really haven't had a lot of one on one training with someone since coop."
"she was so proud of you, you know?"
I nod my head
"it's not the time for this Miller. it's time for war and I need to have good sleep for them. so I'll see you later"
I walk to my room and want to start having a break down but I can't cry. psychically I can't. why can I not cry. and then here comes someone knocking
"come in"
"Night monster. it's blodreina something has happened"

Author's note: this chapter sucks. and it's short I'm sorry!! hopefully the next one is better, enjoy!

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