Chapter 5: The Note

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It's been three days since the last "incident", as you might say, happened. I understand that it wasn't the best choice, but it still gave me some sense of relief. When I do this... Well I don't even understand the concept. It's like a drug. I keep going back to the razors and blades, the tequila and the pills... It's like a never ending story with me. |Why am I like this?|

I'm sitting next to Samuel; we're in social studies class. Although I've only known him since Tuesday, I already feel like I've known him for years. I plan on asking him to hangout after school today, but I might get in trouble. Then again, my mom probably loves when I'm gone. That's okay though, because I love it too.

Sam taps on my shoulder and hands me a note. I smile immediately, grasping the piece of paper as delicately as I possibly could; it's almost as if I was scared that I would crush it. He smiled in return and looked eager; he wants me to read it now. I nod my head and held up my index finger to signal to hold on a minute. My teacher was scanning the room with his eyes to see if anyone is paying attention. Usually I nod my head and make quick eye contact, just to make it seem like I understand and that I'm listening. I did exactly that, luckily he didn't call on me for an answer. Sam kept his eyes locked on mine, he's still urging for me to open that note. I looked down at the small folded up paper. I can't lie, I was pretty excited myself but I just did it for the suspense. The smooth piece of paper between my finger tips made me feel delicate, and I once again looked at Sam. With his eyes shining bright and showing excitement he mouthed the words, "Read it," and smiled. I smiled in return with the response of, "Okay. Okay," under my breath. Slowly starting to unfold the white notebook paper, I look down and start to read the words in blue ink:
So I've been thinking about it for the past to days and

Mr. Jackson walked by and snatched the paper from my hands before I had the chance to finish reading it. |Damn it! It sounded like something important!|

"I'll be taking this and throwing it away. This is a warning," he stated.

I sighed and nodded my head in return. When I glanced over at Sam he immediately whispered the words, "Did you read it all?" I shook my head no in disappointment, and his eyes glazed over with a suddenly scared appearance. |What was he trying to tell me? Is it good, bad, in between the two? I don't know. Maybe I can just ask him after class.|

About thirty minutes pass and I'm watching the clock. Anticipation is running through my veins, the end of class is almost here. |10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...| Finally the end of class, I jump out of my seat and realize it would be better for me to remain calm and collective. There's no need to act strange, but I am excited. The only problem is I don't know why. I turn around to face Sam, but he was already gone. |Hmmm. Where did he disappear to? Oh. Alright. Maybe he's outside the room.|

I gather my books and shove my way through people in the halls. When I get to my locker I realized that I still haven't seen Sam yet. Next thing I know he taps on my shoulder. Being the person I am, I turned around extremely fast from panic. "Oh my goodness! You scared me half to death!", I said while shoving his arm and laughing. He looked at me and with a delayed reaction, "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just tapped on your shoulder. That's the most non-threatening thing I could've done," Samuel claimed while laughing. "Well yeahhhhh. I'm sorry, I'm just a paranoid person, okay?", I replied. Hesitating, I asked, "So what was in that note? I didn't get the chance to finish it." Samuels cheeks turn a lighting pink color and he says, "Well I gues- I was wondering if- Okay, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout after school today." The happiness inside me exploded. I was really hoping to hangout with him too. "I would love to," I replied with a delicate time in my voice and smiled. He smiled back and turned his head, he seemed to be worried. "Awesome. I think I should go though. Bye I- I'll see you later," Samuel said while slapping the locker door shut and ran off to his next class.

I'm sitting in art class, I'm wondering what he wanted to hangout for. I know that I wanted to because well, he's like my best friend now. It's been a short amount of time that I've known him but I've never had any friends here anyways, so we clicked quickly. Something about the both of us, we understood each other in a way that no one else could. I guess that's why he's my best friend in my head. |Wow. You really should be painting this project. Nah. I'd rather write.| I continue to write on the white paper, that's right. I'm a writer. At the moment I'm writing a poem. I love writing in almost all ways, it helps me relax and release feelings. In a way I guess it helps me feel better. |Finished! Okay, there's 5 minutes of school left. Might as well paint some white on here and pretend you had some progress.| After I paint a few branches of my tree sculpture a pure white, I clean up all my art utensils. When I walk over to my seat, the bell rings and I hurry to my locker. Sam is already standing there, and I have a huge smile on my face. Once I reach my locker I talk with Sam and rush to grab my backpack.

"So, Samuel. Where exactly would you like to go?", the question lingered in the air as he waited to reply. Finally he smiles and says, "Well I was hoping you would show me a little bit around town. Keep in mind I seriously just moved here a week ago. I haven't been anywhere yet, so you should show me around." The thought of this excites me. I get to show him around something that I know like the back of my hand. Finally, something I actually can do. I realize that I've been standing here like an idiot for the past few seconds and forgot to reply. "Well of coarse I would love to show you around here. This should be interesting. Okay. Well, shall we go?", I say while holding out my hand. He hesitates to give me his, but then gives in. I take grasp of his wrist and we walk out of the school. Maybe, just maybe, things are finally getting better.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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