Chapter 3: School Smiles

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I pull out my iPod and headphones while I walk towards the hell ahead of me. Putting in one headphone and clicking shuffle, the music plays and I take a glance to see if my friends are here yet. Sadly they're not. I don't have a lot of friends here but that's okay, I'm not very social anyways. Plus I have the rule of quality over quantity. I don't need a bunch of people to know me, that way it's easier to not get stabbed in the back in this fucked up world. I set my backpack on the ground and lean up against the school wall. I close my eyes, lean my head back, and begin to listen to the lyrics of the song. "Keep looking down on me, I am more then you'll ever be. Cut me deep but I won't bleed." Kick Me by Sleeping With Sirens, I love this song. Next thing I know, Jess taps on my shoulder. I open my eyes and she starts talking, I stop her so I can turn down my music. "Okay now speak," I say while slightly laughing.
She laughs and smiles, "Alright. So I was just walking up to the school and I saw that Sarah was wearing Vans and that's so not for her clique. Why would............"
I always listen to what people have to say unless I get distracted of course, and I was most definitely distracted. This guy just walked by, I don't think I've seen him here before. I would remember if I saw him before. His eyes were this fascinating green and brown and they glistened from the sun. His hair was a dark brown, almost black, and that's when I saw his shirt.
|BRING ME THE HORIZON!! He listens to my music!! Yayyyyy!!| Finally a guy friend that I could have, that doesn't judge my music. I'm determined to talk to him later but wait. What if he thinks I'm too ugly or weird?? Ugh okay I'll just need to wait it out a little. That's exactly what I did until the first class of the day.

***************First Period**************

When I walk into my first class, math, I whine because the torture of being at school and walk straight to the back of the room. Although I'm in Advanced classes and I understand everything that I'm being taught, I'm still failing this class. It started about 5 months ago when I lost all control of my focus on life. My problem is I don't ever do my homework anymore, I've given up on nearly everything by now. From an all A student to grades all over the board, yeah I've fucked up. My teacher tells me to take out my headphones and I do so, quickly so I don't get my phone taken away for the rest of the day. When I'm putting my phone in my pocket there's a knock on the classroom door, I glance up to see who was there. Sure enough, it was the boy I saw earlier. "Hello Mrs. Dowl, and class. This is Mr. Marin, Samuel Marin," says the principle. Samuel looks down at the ground trying to not make eye contact, I don't blame him. Mrs. Dowl tells him to pick any seat in the room and he quickly searched the room for a seat. Luckily, there was an empty seat next to mine. What did I decide to do?? That's right, I motioned him over. He rushed to the seat and stayed silent for awhile. "Hey, my name is Scarlet," I whispered in a hushed voice. He glanced at me and I could tell by the look in his eyes, he was scared. I quickly started a conversation, "It's okay, I'm here for you. I would recommend not talking to the majority of this school. Most of them are pretty backstabbing. Me on the other hand, I'm pretty nice. Your name is Samuel, correct?" He nodded his head yes and finally I heard him speak, "T-that's me. I would prefer Sam." He smiled and I smiled back. Now that I got him to talk, now would be a great time to mention our taste in music. Saying in a calming voice I said, "So I see that you listen to Bring Me The Horizon, I love them." That's when his eyes lit up, as if something in him ignited. It was adorable. "Yes! I love them too!" he blushed, probably thinking he had gotten too excited. I just smiled and nodded my head, we moved on with the class.

When class was over we talked in the hallways and I sat with him at lunch. The rest of the day moved on pretty boringly. I got the usual bullying that happens everyday. Casual smirks because of how I look and sometimes I'm shoved into the walls, but I should be used to this by now. I should feel nothing anymore, I'm almost to that point. When school is over I quickly go out back behind the school to get a quick smoke before I have to go home. Recently I developed the habit of smoking cigarettes, but no one knows except for me. Just breathing in and out like that calms me, so that's why I started. Probably wasn't the smartest idea but hey, never said I made great decisions. While I sat with one leg propped up against the brick building and my head lent back looking at the clouds above me, I started to think about what I'll do when I get home. Hopefully my mom won't be home or something will stop me from having to go back too soon. I doubt it, I've only made that wish a million times and it never came true. As I finish up my cigarette I start to grab my backpack that I threw on the ground. While I scrape the burning ash on the wall I start to walk home. Everywhere I go it's a living hell. I can't bare to go back home to deal with even more shit thrown at me, the complaining, the names, the hate, I can't take it. I can't take not being good enough. But hey, I've gotta handle it. Welcome to the fucking hell I call my life.

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