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Austin, Texas
United States

Several police vehicles were rushing to assist another officer in a pursuit. This pursuit wasn't a 'normal' one as the suspect was one that no-one had ever seen before. With it's appearance being that of supernatural with a flaming motorcycle, flaming skull, and leaving a fiery trail behind him. One thought ran through all the police officers mind and that could only be what in God's name could this thing even be. Back with the police officer in the pursuit, he caught up to the suspect fleeing down a dead end road.

Officer:"I have a suspect fleeing on West on Cherry, I repeat West on Cherry."

Operator:"That's a dead end, you got him."

Officer:"10/4 on that."

While expecting to corner the suspect, a bizarre thing happened as his motorcycle's front wheel was lifted off the ground and took him onto the side of a building.

Operator:"What's the suspects location?"



Officer:"Up! The suspect is going up!" He repeated once more as the thing rode up the side of a business buidling all the way to the top. The rider cared little for his pursuers as he only had one thing on his mind and that was the Demon of Wind, Abigor. The Ghost Rider is the Devil's own bounty hunter and the Spirit of Vengeance tasked with bringing Blackheart and his minions back to the depths of hell. The Rider already dealt with one of his minions, Gressil.

Reaching the top of the building, he jumped onto the roof while looking around for the Demon. Whilst looking, a police helicopter appeared in front of him and radioed his location to the rest of the pursuiters. With his location pinpointed, dozens of officers and SWAT members started surrounding the building to catch the suspect. Getting annoyed by the constant bright light being emitted upon him, the Rider grabbed his chain to use as a lasso.

Rider:"Yee-haw!" He yelled out as he caught the bottom rails of the police chopper. The pilot was confused by the sudden jerk of the chopper and looked back at the suspect as he realized that thing caught him. Panicking, the pilot started to pull back on his cyclic control to pull away but the rider refused to let to and pulled him even closer.

Rider:"Come here!"


Rider:"You're pissing me off!"

Pilot:"Okay, okay! Sorry!" He quickly apologized. The Rider then leaned back and started to spin the helicopter in circles until he finally let go, letting the poor pilot fly away. The officers below could only feel confusion as they saw their air support fly awkwardly and then leaving them. No shots were heard nor could anyone guess what made the pilot run away like that but they'll soon see.

???:"You should've joined us, Rider. Soon we will have the contract and then you'll be a footnote in the history of the new Hell." A gust of wind formulated into Abigor behind the Rider as he called out to him. He walked up to him and grabbed him by the shirt, lifting him up.

Rider:"Time to clear the air."

Abigor could only laugh as he faded through the Rider's grip and floated back away. He then watched the Rider pull out his chain and swing it at him in an attempt to catch him. The feeble attempt of catching him caused Abigor to bust out laughing at the ignorance of the Rider.

Abigor:"Ahaha! You're a slow learner aren't you, Rider? You cannot catch the wind!" He taunted. This only further angered the Spirit as he grabbed his chain with both hands and set them ablaze with Hellfire. Abigor watched as he then brought back his chain and swung it at him again but this time, the Rider started to swing it in a circle around him.

Ghost Rider (Male Reader) x Highschool DXDWhere stories live. Discover now