The weight of the man felt almost like nothing.

"JoJo!?" A shout of surprise sounded from behind you and the small boy you remember from before ran over kneeling beside Jonathan, the kid's expression was one of worry which you thought was very wholesome.

"He must be exhausted." Murmuring that out you took in a breath folding your legs to cushion the man's head, his breathing was much harder than before and you even wondered where he stored the energy to pick you up.

"He's fought in so many deadly battles in a single night." Drawing over as well Speedwagon stood behind where you sat, eyes staring down at Jonathan with admiration.

"Why is he crying then? He beat the bad guy right?" Drawing your attention towards the trails of salted water slipping out from Jonathan's eyes, a faint frown curled itself onto your expression, even if Dio was the bad guy- he was still family to Jonathan and he was still a friend of yours.

So of course the loss hurt, especially Jonathan having to deal the finishing blow.

"His youth was a youth spent with Dio." Answering the young boy's question, Speedwagon took in a breath before raising the hat along his head and staring up at the sky. "Did you see that, old man Zeppeli!? He did it! Mister Joestar did it! Dio is dead! I may be exaggerating, but JoJo saved the world!"

"You're not exaggerating. He did save the world." Agreeing with what the blond had said you nodded your head, eyes flickering from Jonathan towards the moon above.

"Miss (Y/N) was it?" Turning your head towards the unfamiliar voice that'd spoken, your eyes landed on the form of a man, his long black hair was trailing behind him as he made his way over, thick brows furrowed for a second or two before relaxing upon seeing you nod. "It's an honour to meet you. Zeppeli used to talk a lot about you."

At the mention of Zeppeli a hum left you, nobody had explicitly said anything but from Speedwagon's newly attained accessory and lack of the man you could only assume he'd passed on.

"I didn't know the old man talked about me that much," Chiding that out you tilted your head up as the man neared some more, one of your hands was extended in a greeting. "Though I'm pleased to meet you too uh. . ."

"Straizo." Taking your hand in his own, the man nearly froze, your hand was unnaturally cold and from the looks of it you were quite pale- something he could've passed off for the moonlight shining down on you, but most of your body was illuminated by the room's candlelight.

Feeling a faint electric current run through the man's hand you pulled yours back hastily, there was a knowing look shared between the two of you but no words were exchanged.

Remaining by Jonathan your eyes lingered over his face watching it scrunch up slightly before his eyes cracked open, crystal blue hues lingered on the sky above before trailing across your face which leaned over above him.

"You all rested up? Because I think the others want to head down and see if Dio's body is still intact." Softly placing your hands along the side of the man's head you couldn't help but run your fingers through his hair, the soft locks felt tangled but easy to work through.

Pursing his lips together he let out a long sigh, eyes closing for a moment or two just to enjoy your presence.


Opening his eyes once more he reluctantly sat up, "I heard. we shouldn't keep the others waiting in that case." Pushing up off the floor he paused to roll his shoulders back, a hand extended out towards you and upon using it to hoist yourself up he maintained his hold. Leading the way towards the room's doors Jonathan spared a glance back towards where you stood, there was something about the way your demeanor changed but he couldn't quite seem to put his finger on what it was exactly. "Are you sure you're alright?"

An airy laugh left your lips at the question right away waving it off with your other hand, "I should be asking you that. You passed out not too long ago." Turning your head away from the man to look out the passing windows you couldn't help but run your tongue over the edges of your teeth.

"I just wanted to make sure. I was worried about you, you know." Giving your hand a faint squeeze Jonathan smiled contently at the way you squeezed back. "You never left my mind."

"And you never left mine." Musing that out softly the two of you began descending the castle's stairs eventually reaching the exit the others had taken.

Seeing the others huddled around a fire both yourself and Jonathan joined the small group.

"So he's really gone?" Murmuring that softly your eyes remained focused on the flickering orange and red flames, the heat nipped at the surrounding air around it.

"He is." His own attention was fixed on the fire much like your own, Jonathan had his doubts about the vampire truly being gone but the body was right there. Meaning that whatever worried him shouldn't.

"His tyranny has been put to an end," Stating that Straizo trailed his gaze upwards towards the sky, the moon seemed to have been dipping closer towards the horizon the longer you all stayed outside. Trailing over he patted the tall man's shoulder in praise, "You did well JoJo. Very well."

A moment or two passed and the moon had finally dipped past the horizon, the vivid orange and yellows of the morning sunrise brought sweet hellos carried out by the tweets of birds.

"Looks like the sun's rising." Pointing that out, Speedwagon removed his hat holding it between his hands, the group's attention followed the rays of light as they crept over.

"Looks like it is." Agreeing with what the blond had said a bittersweet smile crept onto your features, the warmth the air carried still felt dull to you and it seemed like this would be how this life ends. The only feeling your body could carry out was the gradual burn creeping up your legs from where the sun hit.

The sizzling noise right away caught Jonathan's attention and his eyes snapped towards where the sun stretched over your form, the exposed skin visibly steamed before fizzling away. "(Y/N)..." Your name died on his lips quickly, the pieces of what was happening clicked together in his mind. "Dio used the mask on you. . .didn't he."

Right away from the smile, you wore was enough of an answer.

Watching what was happening, Speedwagon's smile fell instantly, his eyes followed Jonathan as his hands extended outwards in an attempt to move you out of the sun, but they passed through leaving dark granules of dust behind.

"This is why you didn't say anything when I asked you to stay by my side. Isn't it." Watery blue hues met your own and you could see him searching for the answer.

"I'm sorry JoJo. I didn't want to get your hopes up." Tears welled up in your own eyes and with what was left of your arm you patted the man's cheek. "In another life. I'll see you again in another life."

And with that the rest of your body fizzled away, no clothing nor single hair remained.

Just a bittersweet goodbye.


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