"Bentley and ray!"

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Bentley and her husband Jimmy had a baby named Raymond in 2014

Jimmy was in the United States Army and died in a fierce firefight against isis shortly after

Bentley has been alone ever since with ray. And at this point she wouldn't have it any
Other way. Ray was her world. She couldn't stand to be without him. She still was a good mother and wasn't lenient when he did something wrong and she didn't over shelter him. But one thing was for sure her love for him was so strong. ray was a well mannered puppy. He's friends with all of his fellow pups and is loved by all of his many aunts and uncles! Especially from his mum's old kindergarten class! Such as bingo,Sadie,etc etc

She also has help from bluey and many others especially her sister Zara who's a nurse!

Raymond is a fun,kind and soft spoken 7 year old puppy who often hangs with Loki,Jacki and the others! He's also homeschooled due to certain issues he has!

*at Bentley's house*

Bentley woke up ray snuggled up to her snoring softly

Bentley smiles planting a kiss on her sons forehead as she cuddled him

Ray opened his eyes slowly

"Morning sleepy!" Said Bentley with a small giggle

Ray wagged his tail tiredly making small thumps on the bed under the blanket pulling some of the blanket off of Bentley

"Hey!" Said Bentley with another giggle

"Good morning..." said ray half asleep with a whine yawn

One of these 😊

"Aww!" Bentley cooed

Ray gave a smile as he sat up and stretched giving another yawn whine

Bentley did the same with a normal yawn

Bentley and ray headed downstairs

Bentley began to brew some coffee As ray sat at the table

After breakfast there was a knock at the door

It was Jack,bingo and Loki!

"0h hey guys!" Said Bentley happy to have guests over

"Hey girl! We decided to stop by and check up on you guys! It's been a while since we have!" Said bingo

"I really has been a while! Come on in!" Said Bentley happily

"How have you guys been?" Jack asked as they all sat on the couch

"We've been fine! Me and ray ray went to universal a few days ago!" Said Bentley as Loki and ray played around the house

"Oh yeah! I saw that on your Instagram! I've been wanting to go there too! I haven't been there since 2019!" Said bingo

Loki and ray headed upstairs


"Is max's tummy doing better?" Ray asked

"Yeah! A bit! He's still hurting though!" Said Loki

"Oh ok! You think it's gonna hurt him for a long time?" Ray asked

"Nah I'm sure he'll be fine!" Said Loki

"Wanna see something me and my mum made?" Ray asked excitedly turning on his. Box as they both climbed onto the bed

"Sure!" Said Loki

Raymond got on Minecraft

They loaded into a world that him and Bentley made. Bentley's pink controller was on the nightstand besides the bed

(Bentley is a mum and a gamer! And so is bingo! What's not to like? :D

It was a giant creative metropolis

It was named raysville

"Oh Lordy that's a huge city!!" Said Loki extremely impressed

"I know! We've been building it since I was like 3!" Said Raymond

"I heard maxie has been playing games since he was 2 when cousin dolly bought him cod 4" said Loki

"I know! That's cool! Me and my mum finished red dead redemption 2! The other day!" Said ray

"Awesome! I love both of them games!" Said Loki

They were both happy to have such cool parents and a big family

"Hey how's Jacki been?" Ray asked

"She's been fine!" Said Loki

"Good! She still talking about poo?" Ray asked as the boys giggled

"Always! She's so adorable! Them golden retrievers are such kind people!" Said Loki

"I met a mean golden retriever once. My mummy told her off good though!" Said ray proud of his tough mum like always

"Yeah my mum is super tough too! But she was talking to me and my pa the other day! She's thinking about retiring due to my dad finding a high paying job and her having a ton more to worry about now a days!" Said Loki

"Yeah my mummy works from home! And I'm homeschooled! So I'm with her all the time and we wouldn't have it any other way! A lot of parents wanna get away from their kids! My mum can barley stand being away from me for a night or two!" Said ray

"Yeah! My mama's the same Way! A lot of our mamas are like that! I guess because they had us a bit younger because they were stable enough. My mama and pa still go on dates and stuff but my mum is always super duper elated when she gets home and see's me!" Said Loki

"'My mama used to go on dates with my daddy before I was born..." said ray Bowing his head a bit

Loki hugged him giving him a friendly kiss to the snoot

(Loki is super duper sweet and They're both little puppies. They're not gae lol

Ray giggled

Ray showed him around some more and they both began playing games

Bingo,Bentley and jack came upstairs into the room to see them playing cod zombies together

"Aww our little gamers!" Said bingo causing everyone to giggle

"The apples don't fall far from the tree!" Said jack

The adults sat on the bed with them and watched them play for a while

"You boys hungry?" Bentley asked

"Yes ma'm!" Said the boys in unison

"How does kfc sound?" Bingo asked

The pup's and jack's mouth's watered

"I'll take that as a yes?" Said Bentley As everyone laughed

It was a fun day full of eating,playing,cuddles and family bonding! Loki and ray we're like brothers despite having different parents!

To be continued!

(I had a ton of fun writing it! I really wanna develop the characters more and work on the narrative leading up to Cruella!

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