38. Alpha SMR x Luna Keigo prt 3

Start from the beginning

Shit, shit, shit - fuck! Goddess, have mercy, please. The prayer is silent but earnest. I'm running out of ways to describe the truly frightening attitude excluded from M/N right now. The amount of rage is harboring visibly in christ. He's incisors elongated. Poking his bottom lip. He looks feral. I'm scared.

Izuku whines submissively in response ro his mate, bearing his neck. They're difference in size is jarring, Shoto is a massive wall of muscle all over twice the size of izuku's small, fragile, and very pregnant form. The tiger Claire's down at the T-shirt he's made to was wearing and unriddled hatred. Swapping shirts with a bad decision. A lot of mistakes were made today, but hey, you live and you learn hopefully I live through this.

"Take is off." I almost pissed myself because I wasn't expecting M/N's voice to come out that deep. Deeper than the deepest parts of the ocean with the same ability to swallow you whole and drag you down into the abyss. I don't even give him the chance to consider telling me a second time. I whip the shirt over my head so fast you think it had suddenly caught on fire.

I would describe the carnage reaped on my poor tee but suffice to say it was fucking disrespectful. Shoto grips the runt's neck in one of his giant hands, forcing the smaller man to look up at him. Ezuku's eyes were hooded and it was pretty obvious he didn't mind the domineering grip of his mate. The tiger only spoke three words and they were reverberated through that air with power.

"Never again, Izuku." The run sing to only be able to not mutley, holy and raptured by his mate. Shoto takes off his own shirt, covering izuku once again with send as he puts it on him. His glower lessons only slightly as he cooks his mate into his arms, carrying him from the room. The discarded shirt tatters on the left on the floor without a second glance towards them or us.

Being alone with M/N was suddenly the last thing I wanted at the moment. For some reason, my brain thought we were safer with the others around. M/N can't murder me when there are witnesses. The spectators - my first line of defense - are gone now though. Great. What was the point of all of this again?

To get fucked. My wolf answers the obviously rhythorical question. Usually, I'd argue with him but this time he's not wrong at all. That had been the goal in the first place.

"So, I know this was a bad idea, but hear me out -" M/N cuts me off with a cold laugh. One that sends a trindle a fear down my spine.

"A bad idea..." He trails off as if the words didn't live up to the weight of the situation. "No, this was the dumbass idea, but you knew that already." He tilts his head taking me in slowly. "Get to the room pup." He says finally, stepping out of the way so that I could exit.

"D-daddy I-" I begin try and explain myself.

"Get to the room before I drag you there." His rough tone madey cock swell. I don't need to be told a second time as I scurry through in the wall.

Yep, this was a dumbass idea.


Was getting dicked down really worth all this? I'd pissed off my mate and now even though I still feel incredibly horny, ai also feel a bit guilty. I made sure to keep my focus forward so it didn't seem like I was going to veer off course. He's mad enough as it is and I really don't want to make it worse.

As the lock to our bedroom door snapped into place dread wrapped itself around my heart. Maybe I went a little too far this time... Regret isn't a good look on me though so I try to push it down all the self blaming thoughts despite them all being 100% true.

"Oh, pup" My Alpha sighs in fake disappointment. "When will you learn?" I gulped nervously but was unable to turn around and face him. When will I learn? I swear, for some reason, I'm drawn to causing trouble like a moth to a falme. Do I need attention that badly? The slick coming from my weeping hole answers that for me. Why do I have to be a needy slut all the time?

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