Nico meet Damian and Cass (last chapter + outline)

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Dick, Alfred, and I walked down the path to Wayne Manor. The building was very, very big, not the largest I'd ever seen, because of places like Hades' Palace, and Olympus, but it was still big.

I watched as Alfred unlocked and opened the door, wondering who was on the other side. Dick had skimmed over his family when they were talking, but he seemed like the type to live with people.

On the other side of the door was a large foyer, and a boy with black hair and green eyes looked to be a teenager on the younger side. He was sitting in the corner of the room, and he was setting down a book, looking at Dick.

"Grayson," a surprisingly formal voice came from him. "You have arrived. And who is this...?" The boy examined him for a moment, before making a face that conveyed that I was lacking, which was par for most of his first meetings.

"Nico, this is Damian. Damian, please at least try to be nice, " said Dick.

Damian glowered at being asked such a thing, I just shrugged, it wasn't like a mortal could do anything to me in a way that mattered.

I nodded to Damian. The boy looked like someone who valued people based on their respect and work ethic, and I'd proved neither of those, so I'd wait.

I was used to waiting. I've learned that I can be very patient.

I looked at him, and he looked back, we held eye contact for a long moment before I looked back at Dick.

"Am I actually staying here?" I asked because we never really discussed it.

Dick gave me a small, reassuring smile, "I'd be surprised if Bruce didn't take you in."

I responded with a nod, I wouldn't be surprised if Dick's Dad kicked me out on sight, but I wasn't going to say anything.

Damian let out a huff and gave a glare that said, 'If Father keeps you, I will personally eviscerate you.' Then he softened his gaze and turned to Dick, "you should tell Father that you have arrived and that you are safe. I fear if keeps on for one more minute he will never leave the basement or break that pesky rule he has about murder."

Dick suddenly looked extremely distressed, "Oh shi-golly, I mean golly. Uh Damian, could I leave you with Nico for a second, you reminded me that I really do need to talk to Bruce."

"No Richard, I will not—."

But Dick was already rushing out of the room, "Thanks Damian, you're the best."

Damian and I gave matching looks to Dick's back, both saying 'Seriously?!'

Damian eyed me suspiciously, I eyed him back. After 30 seconds of prolonged eye contact, Damian broke the silence.

"I will not deal with you. Follow me."

Which was a little suspicious in the 'is he gonna take me out back and kill me' way, but greater monsters had tried that and failed, a little mortal boy would hardly stand a chance. Besides it was probably impolite to stand awkwardly in the foyer when somebody told you to follow them, and if I had any chance of actually getting to stay here, then I should probably be polite.

So I followed Damian through the twisting halls of the manor before we stopped at a door. Damian opened the door for me.

Before I could even accurately take in my surroundings (large table, 2 people, computer—) Damian loudly said "Drake, Cain, you will deal with this," and shoved me through the door before slamming it shut.

I stumbled inside, I hadn't necessarily been bracing myself, per se, but a mortal kid should not have been able to push me over.

I took in the room as I regained my balance awkwardly. It seemed to be a dining room, with a very big table, like enough to house 12 people, easy. There were two people sitting at the table, a short, skinny black haired blue eyed boy wearing a large hoodie and a medium-length black haired asian girl, they both stared at me in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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