Chapter 4 - Resting

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They recalled the events last night.

Being in a dark room, they saw waves of translucent golden lights coming from the traveler when it happened. The loud screech from the traveler was so deafening that they have to cover their ears. Some of the glasses in the house had broken into pieces, but thankfully no one got hurt from them. It lasted for a few seconds but it seems like forever. When it stopped, they saw the silhouette of the traveler slummed forward, their hands still reaching out towards their direction. Then they fell down and passed out on the floor. Their mask, which apparently shocked most of them, fell off, revealing their true face.

The Moomins, Snufkin, Snorkmaiden, Little My and Sniff were currently in their kitchen discussing it, while the traveler was still resting in their guest room. Somehow, Moominmama made sure to put a candle near them even if it's daytime.

"It seems like something really horrible happened to them," Moominmama commented while wiping the dishes, "I think they saw something bad."

"Yes, even if nothing really happened to us, Mama!" Moomin replied, a worried look on his face. Moominmama sighed.

"Something might triggered them in the dark," Snufkin started, "It might be their memories."

"Well, that's a bad way to recall your memories," said Little My. Snorkmaiden nodded beside her, feeling helpless.

Snufkin was still pondering whether he should let the others know when he heard their voice. The others did not seemed to hear it, as evident from how they retold their story.

He recalled again. The voice was crystal clear to his ears, specifically a young female voice. It wasn't a good thing though, they sound hysterical as they screamed for his name. But why did they screamed for him? Did they saw something bad happening-


Snufkin immediately jolted as his name was repeatedly called. He did not realized that Moomin was calling him out, eyes full of worry. Now everyone was staring at him. Great.

"Sorry Moomin," he tried to compose himself, feeling bad at his best friend.

"It's fine, are you alright? You seem tense." Moomin replied.

Snufkin hesitated at first, but then decided it's better to tell the others about it.

"Well, I supposed.." Snufkin took a deep breath, then continued," last night, I heard their voice calling for me."

"It's when everyone heard their screech, but for me it's their voice. Not a good experience, they sound hysterical."

"That is indeed very weird," Moominpapa commented, the look of confusion in his face.

"Honestly, even if I am eager to hear their voice- I wouldn't want it that way" stated Moomin. Sniff agreed with him, furiously nodding his furry head.

"From the sound of it, it looked like you're an important person for them, Snufkin!" Snorkmaiden continued while giggling, "must be soulmates!"

Somehow that remark eased the tension in the room, but Little My found it silly to think that way. Now, the girls were fighting over it. They all seemed to be distracted now. Snufkin mentally thanked Snorkmaiden for this, as he felt that he has done enough talking for the day.

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Moomin and Snufkin were now laying down on the hill beside the bridge. Earlier, Moominmama told them that it's better for them to take a rest elsewhere, instead of waiting for the traveler to wake up. Eventually, Little My, Snorkmaiden and Sniff went home, while these two decided to hang around before night falls.

"You know what Snufkin-"

Snufkin, who has his green hat covering his face, hummed in response.

"I think Snorkmaiden has a point-" he sat down and looked at his friend who remained silent.

He continued, "Well, even if it's not soulmates," Moomin paused, "You seem to be an important person to them."

"After all, you're the one who found them, Snufkin."

Snufkin then removed his hat which exposed his brown messy hair and sat down. He looked down then glanced at Moomin at his right, expecting to continue his words.

Moomin blinked, understanding his silence.

"Well, I hope they wake up soon. It's nearly night time after all." Snufkin nodded in agreement.

It was true. They all did visit them in the guest room. However, there were no signs of waking up. Moominmama would occasionally visit to replace the candles, as the wax kept melting after every few hours. Snufkin also advised to let their mask on while they're sleeping, even if it fell off yesterday. He was worried they will turn to the same state when he found them in the woods.

Snufkin then suddenly spoke in a low voice, "It's very mysterious isn't it, Moomin?"

Moomin blinked at his friend, waiting for him to continue.

"It's only been a few days, yet so much is going on," Snufkin then turned to look at Moomin, " we don't even know how to handle this situation."

Moomin then understood what Snufkin meant. He also felt that the traveler's situation was very complicated. It felt surreal.

" Once they wake up, let's do our best to help them, shall we?" Moomin agreed, relieved that his best friend did not lose hope.

Later on, Moomin bid Snufkin goodnight. After having dinner, he decided to check on the traveler before he went to bed. He then sat down on the chair beside the bed, staring at their sleeping figure. Their mask lack the usual shiny golden eyes and there was a noticeable long crack on the middle, just beside their eyes. Moomin sighed, feeling bad.

"Please wake up soon, we all miss you." Moomin hold their hand and made a wish, before standing up and checking their candle for the last time, making sure that it will last until the morning. Feeling satisfied, he left the room quietly.

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Snufkin was unable to sleep. He tried to close his eyes but it's already been hours yet here he was, struggling in his tent. He knew why he has a hard time sleeping though. He has been thinking of the traveler. 

He likes being alone. In fact, his alone time will always be precious to him, just like how travelling was to him. It's always about the journey. However, that doesn't mean he dislike some company. It wasn't bad at all. Just like those in Moominvalley, Moomin means a lot to him. There's a reason why he returned to Moominvalley everytime Spring comes.

Deep inside, he was worried for the traveler. If what Snorkmaiden and Moomin have said was true, would he be able to help them? Would he be able to ease their burden? Would he be able to support them? Would he be prepare for all of these?

He can feel the pressure building up, trying to reason his mind. Yet, there's a conflict within him that was trying to fight against it.

As if nature heard his silent troubles, she blew a gentle breeze against his tent like a soft lullaby.  Snufkin soon gave in, defeated against his heavy eyes.

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