"That doesn't sound too bad." Stiles shrugged

"She doesn't know any Japanese" Scott stated

"Still not terrible."

"I also think I might have stopped her from killing Lucas." He added. His eyes wide as he remembered what she had tried to do.

Stiles paused before he spoke, hoping his next statement wouldn't cause a war "Wasn't he trying to kill you, though,I mean, that just sounds like self-defense."

Alex held back her scoff, as far as she was concerned Scott didn't believe in self defense, he believed in saving everyone even if it meant killing your self.

He shook his head, avoiding the hidden glare that came from Alex "It was more than that. I mean, she nearly took off his head."

Stiles expression changed, he looked at the wolf more hardened them before "Maybe she had no choice, There's gotta be a point where self-defense is justified. Tracy killed her own father. And Lucas would have killed you."

"They're not the bad guys. They're the victims." Scott reminded him "We shouldn't be killing the people we're supposed to save."

His eyes darted to the healer, giving her a not so subtle hint that his anger was still heightened

Alex scoffed, shaking her head "You know what. Tell them that when you're in a life or death situation and maybe then you'll understand the definition of self defense"

Having enough of his hinted lectures, she walked over to the friends who understood her motive.

Lydia gave the girl a sympathized look, she knew Alex would have never killed tracy if it wasn't for the fact that her mother's life was on the line

"You okay?" Lydia asked

"Just.." Alex paused" never mind" she gave a dismissive wave

The gate let out a loud buzz, taking everyone attendance, Lydia pushed it open and rest followed her onto the ground.

The atmosphere thick with tension between the wolf and the healer. Everyone hoping they could last the next hour together.

Stiles stood close to Alex as they walked into the building. He knew how angry she was at the true alpha. whilst stiles was eager to convince Scott about self defense Alex had given up when he was straight with her at his house.

Scott judged her as if she had the power to go back in time, she understood the anger came from somewhere but if she hadn't have killed Tracy; they'd Ben mourning her loss.

They reached the counter, a man stood behind  staring at them with a blank expression.

"Please empty your pockets into the container" he told the groups of teenagers. His voice level and monotone.

Scott cleared his throat "We're here to see..."

"Please empty your pockets into the container." He repeated not giving Scott a chance to talk.

One by one they all emptied their belongings into the small basket, hoping they'd get it all back. In a place like this not one of them would he surprised if something was "misplaced"

His eyes landed on the fox, looking down at her belt then back up at her "Please remove your belt and place it into the container"

""I kind of need the belt." Her voice high as her nerves became stronger, "I mean, it's crucial to the outfit"

"Please remove your belt which patients will attempt to take from you and use to strangle either themselves or others" he repeated unimpressed by her continued arguing

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