Chapter 7: Dinner

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"And who's this little guy?" Colin asks.

He waves a finger at Huxley as the baby gives him a dirty look. I can almost hear Huxley saying "who the fuck is this clown?" I try not to laugh and look straight on.

Thats my boy...

"This is my son Huxley" Melissa explains. Colin then completely ignores her and turns to me.

"So how have you been Katie? It's been a while since I last saw you" he smiles.

"I've been doing well. As you remember I joined Supergirl after we finished Merlin. So far I've been enjoying myself" I respond. I look at Melissa and see her looking straight ahead as we continue walking.

"That's good to hear. I see some cameras up ahead so you must be getting back. I wanted to ask if maybe you were free for dinner tonight? I want to continue catching up with you" he says.

Some darkness possesses me and instead of declining like I want to my mouth gives him words of agreement.

"I'll see you tonight then Katie" Colin waves.

Now that we're back at the set I notice that Melissa has gone very quiet. I turn to her and see a frown on her face that quickly hidden in a neutral expression.

"I hope it's alright that I wont be at dinner tonight?" I mention quietly.

"Of course. Dont let me dictate how you spend time with" she says.

I hoped that she would give me an excuse to cancel with Colin, but she instead goes to drop Huxley off with the sitter while we film. I try to focus on work for the rest of the day but dinner is on the back of my mind. Once filming was done I was helping Melissa pack our things to head home. I had just picked up the diaperbag when a voice sounded behind me.

"Ready to go Katie?" I nearly jump out of my skin when I see Colin standing behind me. "Sorry. I forgot how easy you get scared sometimes."

"Ready to go?" I ask confused.

"Well, I figured I dont have your new number to call you and you would be hungry after work. So, I came here to pick you up instead" he shrugs.

"Um" I stutter.

"Go ahead Katie. I'll see you after your dinner" Melissa suddenly says. I see her smile as she says this but I can tell it's not genuine.

I then find myself at a restaurant with my ex and a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"So whats new? Any plans after filming ends?" he asks. I pick my way at my salad and shrug.

"I'm not sure. I've been wanting to go visit my family, but I dont think I'll have that much time" I respond.

"That's too bad I hope that you get to see them soon" he sympathizes.

"What about you? Anything new?" I ask. I dont really want to know but I dont want to talk anymore.

"Well, the show I'm on will be ending and then I'm probably going to look at something else I can do. I did find someone too" he says. This grabs my attention and I look up.

"Oh? I'm glad you were able to find someone. Where did you meet?" I smile.

"We met on set. You would think I would learn not to date coworkers, but I don't know. I really like her" he says looking at his plate. I then feel kind of bad for being bad company and reach across the table to put my hand over his comfortingly.

"I'm happy for you, truly. I haven't found anyone yet, but maybe later" I smile.

"Thank you, Katie. I didn't know I needed to hear that" he laughs.

The tension seems to leave and I feel like I have my friend back. Before it was complicated by a break up. We talked some more and ate. Knowing that Colin wasn't after me romantically anymore was huge relief.

"So you said you haven't found anyone? I thought that you were maybe with the blonde earlier. Melissa I think? Or you guys just good friends?" he asks.

"Well..." I trail off. I feel my cheeks begins to burn and look away.

"You like her! Why not ask her out?" he smiles.

"She doesn't like women Colin. We're just friends and that's fine. I'll get over this little crush and it'll be fine" I shrug.

"Katie, I can tell you like her a lot. So what if she doesnt swing that way. It wouldnt hurt to try" he reasons.

"Yes it would. She's living with me for now and any conflict will make this hard" I sigh.

"Ok, nevermind. Well, maybe in the future? Living together seems like it would help you be closer" he smiles.

"I don't know. Like I said I'm really fine with how it is now. I don't want to ruin it" I respond.

Colin and I talk for a little while longer before saying our goodbyes. I give him my number and promise to keep in touch. I'm glad that I have someone who knows now. Sure there are a few people that have confronted me about it but I've never admitted to it.

When I get home I enter quietly in case Huxley is asleep. I find Melissa on the couch asleep while the tv was running. I kneel in front of her and look at her sleeping face. My hand brushes back a strand of her hair to behind her ear while I kiss her forehead gently. I turn off the tv and put my arms under her. As I lift I try to balance before walking toward the bedroom. I gently lay her down and get ready for bed. Once I'm in bed I turn off my light and close my eyes with a smile.


Yellow Raccoons! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. A little longer than usual. The next chapter will be a continuation of this chapter. Hope youre enjoying the story and would love to hear feedback! Thank you to the two readers who have ben participating and actually giving me suggestions. It's appreciated!

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