Chapter 3: Hold Still

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Katie's POV

Melissa was finally moved in and Chris had backed off some. My friend was heartbroken over the news that happened during their last meeting. No one had any clue who he may have cheated with or why. It was the last straw for Melissa and she immediately sent for divorce papers.

I was sitting on the couch watching a movie when Melissa returned from her lawyers office.

"How did it go?" I asked quietly. Huxley was taking his nap in the room and I didnt want to wake him.

"As good as its going to get. The papers are being made, but its getting Chris to sign them that I'm worried about" she sighs. She sits next to me on the couch and tilts her head against the back.

I put a comforting hand on hers while I give her a minute. Suddenly Huxley can be heard through the baby monitor. We both get up from the couch and head to the room. We quickly realize why he's crying and I grab everything needed for a new diaper.

"Such a stinky boy" Melissa cooes. I set down the wipes and new diaper for her.

Huxley fusses and wiggles around as his mother tries to change him.

"Huxley Robert Wood! Would you let me change your diaper?" Melissa mock scolds.

I go around to Huxleys head and begin to distract him. I see his little face stop crying and stare at me with curiosity.

"Good hold still" Melissa says. Soon the diaper is changed and I have him in my arms. Melissa throws the diaper away outside and I play with the baby boy.

"Thank you, I dont know how I would have changed him" she laughs.

"Its no problem. It seems it takes two to tango with this little boy" I smile back.

We all sit on the couch and Melissa brings a blanket. Huxley sits comfortably in my arms still and is quiet while he looks around. I watch him and wonder what it would be like to have a child. I've always wanted one but never had anyone to have one with. Huxley is like a substitute for me. Giving me a chance to know what it may feel like.

My thoughts continued on to think about me actually being his other mom. I had to shake my head to be rid of them. I couldnt think of that. Melissa was going through a divorce and had no idea that I liked her. I was getting way too ahead of myself.

"You two have really bonded havent you?" Melissa suddenly asks. I look over to realize she had been watching.

"I suppose so" I say nonchalantly.

"You look good with a baby" she says quietly. I dont dare look at her and only use my finger to play with Huxley's hand. His mother was killing me.

"Thank you" I breathe.

We dont talk for the rest of the movie that began to play. Melissa left for a short while to feed the baby and left him in the room for a nap. When she came back she sat beside me on the couch. We watched the movie and when it was finished decided to make something to eat. We talked about future plans and about the divorce.

Once we were finished I noticed she was tired and suggested we go to bed. I jumped in the shower once she was done and saw her with Huxley when I was finished. The now two month old was surprising quiet at night but had his moments. This was one of his moments.

Melissa continued to rock him with a concerned face.

"He wasnt hungry and only gets more upset when I put him down" she frets.

"Here let me try" I reach out. My hair was still wet and I didnt have time to get a towel.

A small water droplet hit his little nose, momentarily stopping his crying. I began to sing a little Irish lullaby and he gradually started to quiet down. I rocked him and tried to keep my hair at bay. His poor little eyes began to droop as I continued the song.

I dared not look at his mother or else I would mess up somehow. When he was fast asleep I gently set him in the crib to the side of the room and placed a light blanket over him. Melissa sat in bed and I went to dry my hair a little more. Once finished I joined her hoping she wouldnt say anything.

"Have I mentioned how much I appreciate you? How are you so good with him?" She asks rhetorically.

I shrug and still dont look at her. My belly was filled with butterflies and I tried to calm myself. The lights were turned off and the blankets were pulled up. For some reason Melissa really moving in with me hit me like a truck. The woman I have liked for so many years lives with me, is in my bed, and compliments me.

Im going to die soon.

Melissa's POV

My alarm clock blared and I hurried to turn it off before my son could stir too much. It was always harder to get ready when he was awake. The body beside me moved and a groan came from the next pillow. I turned my head and saw Katie's face scrunched up cutely.

Did I really call my friend cute?

I looked to the ceiling and shook my head. My emotions were in a jumble. Today I would be meeting Chris with the lawyers to sign the divorce papers. I was worried that he might be difficult once it came to Huxley. I hoped he wouldn't fight for full custody or fight for more than half the custody. I dont know what I would do if I lost that battle.

"I can hear your wheels turning" a soft voice said. I turned back to Katie to see her staring at me.

"Im just worried about how the meeting will go" I murmur.

"Dont be. You can handle whatever might happen. Dont worry about Huxley either. You saw how well we get along and will do fine for today" she reassures. Her arm makes it around me in a hug and I enjoy the embrace for a moment.

"We should probably get ready before said baby wakes up" I smile.

Katie goes to change in the closet while I check on my son. He still sleeps while I switch to change too. Once we're ready Huxley is then awake and I feed him. Katie makes me breakfast and I gather everything I need for the meeting. Katie balances Huxley in her arms as she shows me off.

"Everything will be fine. We'll be waiting for you when you get back" she smiles. I smile back and nod.

"Oh, hold still" she says. She reaches out and gently touches my cheek. "There was an eyelash."

She holds it on her finger for me to see and I gently blow on it.

"Hopefully my wish will come true."


Hey Raccoons! Im seriously losing steam here. Would like to hear from you! Please something else other than 'update'. Not really motivational. Let me know what you think and any suggestions!

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