seventy-seven ~ Frank Gets Laid by Someone He Actually Likes

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"You need a smoke?" he asked, deciding not to ask how she was, and she nodded.

They weaved through the crowd together and Frank felt a rush of heat enter his chest when she grabbed onto his bicep and squeezed. When they got to the door, he held it open for her, but when she got through, she looked surprised that he had. As soon as they took out their cigarettes, however, the bouncer told them that they needed to go around to the side of the red-brick building to smoke, and Frank hesitated.

He didn't want to put her in an even more uncomfortable situation, so he looked at her, but she just wiped her eyes.

"Aren't you coming?"

Frank shrugged. "Sure."

They walked behind the shadow of the building, out of the way of the moon and the street lamps and gave the girl a cigarette. She took it gratefully, watching him as he lit up his, and then hers.

"You're awfully kind, you know. You didn't have to do that for me back there."

"I was already pissed off enough at the way those fuckheads behave. It felt nice to have an excuse to hit one."

"Well, thank you," she said quietly.

"No problem at all," he said genuinely, and while she took another drag from her cigarette, he took the time to let his eyes dart up and down her body. Short skirt, simple strappy bra, small tits, big arse, oh and fishnets. Exactly his type.

She was barely wearing any clothing, but Frank couldn't pull his eyes away from hers for long. Her makeup was running a little bit, and it made her hazel eyes glow.

"I'm glad I did something," he finished.

"Me too."

They smoked in silence for a while, and then Frank asked, "Are you actually alone, or do you have a boyfriend?"

"I haven't had one for a while. Men are just so..."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't think..." Frank trailed off. "I just didn't think you liked girls."

She snorted and wiped some of the tears off her cheeks, taking the makeup with it. Frank found that her eyes still glowed without the rings of melted black eyeliner.

"I like both. I was just here for one of my friends, and she left with a guy, so I was just looking for a ride home. There weren't any girls that caught my eye and I was kind of looking for a guy to bring home tonight too, but that ship obviously sailed."

Frank hummed and took a drag. So, there was no chance she'd come home with him, at least not to bed.

"I mean, I'd ask you, but I think I've had enough for tonight," she said. She leant closer to him, turning her head away to blow smoke out of her mouth and nose. "Maybe I'll ask you for your number though, and conquer my fear of rejection."

"I wouldn't reject you," Frank said slowly. "Why do you think I would?"

"I mean, first of all, I saw you eyeing up several other guys, and secondly, guys that look like they go to the gym are usually the ones that reject me."

Frank was aware that the muscles in his arms and back were tense, so he relaxed them. "Well, I guess I'm different from them."

She hesitated. "Then, can I have your number?"

Frank thought about his answer and then smiled for the first time that night. "Not before I know your name."

She blushed. "It's Gee. What's your name?"

"Frank. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," she said, smiling faintly.

"Here, let's trade phone numbers," Frank said, opening up a new contract for her on his phone and handing it to her. She did the same. Frank felt himself settle into the calmness that surrounded her. It was nice not to feel the annoying pump of adrenaline in his arms and temples.

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