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Jenny's POV

There's a pause on the other end and i glare at Brandon.


"Your boss."

"Brandon?! What are you doing with Jenny's phone?"

"And, where is she?"

"Daniel, I am here. I am sorry about the confusion. It's-"

"Jenny? Wait, are you and Brandon together right now?"


"...um, what are you guys doing this late at night?"

"Do you really want to know?"

I gasp at Brandon's bluntness and immediately rush to explain myself to Daniel.

"Hey, don't listen to him. He is high on his meds."

"More like high on you-"

I cover Brandon's mouth with my hand, trying my best to muffle his words.

I whisper furiously in his ear.

"Will you shut up?"

He tries to say something but it comes out muffled behind my hand. Meanwhile, Daniel is completely silent on the phone.

"Daniel, let talk tomorrow. I am a bit busy right now."

I hand up the phone and sigh in relief. Then, I turn Brandon with an accusing look.

"What was that?"

He frowns, seemingly innocent.

"What was what?"

"Why did you pull that stunt? Did you want him to fine out?"

He simply shrugs.


I give him a dumbfounded look.

"Are you crazy?!"

"He's the one who's crazy."

"Why? Because he called me?"

"Well, I don't know... he was making it so obvious that he is attracted to you."

"That's not true."

"It is. Come on, Jenny. He dropped all the hints."

"What do you mean?"

"He "misses you", he wants every little update about your activities and he was ready to fly over just because you were a bit breathless on the phone."


"You can't tell me that you are that oblivious."

"This isn't how normal co-workers behave with each other."

"Fine...I admit it. He was being a bit over friendly."

"But, you crossed a line too. You shouldn't have answered the call and said those things."

"Well, sorry, I was jealous."

My heart skips a beat against my will.

How can he be so...straight forward?

"And, I wanted him to know that you were with me so that he could spare himself the heartbreak."

"Geez...so arrogant. You really have no social skills and you are so-"

"Cold and unapproachable?"

He finishes the sentence for me and I can't help but smile became he was repeating the words that I had said earlier to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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