Chapter 5

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I hope you like this chapter :P


"What'd Ya get? What'd Ya get?" One of the boys asks as soon as I exit the store.

I open the bags to show them and they pat me on the back. One try's to grab a bottle but I slap his hand away. 

"I need to give 5 of these to my brother first before any of you start on them."


I give my brother 2 bags with the alcohol in them and hide the other in my jacket. He snatches the bags out of my hand without a thank you then walks up stares. 


I go back outside to wear the others are waiting for me and give them the last three bottles. I get offered a sip but politely decline. I don't like alcohol and I'm underage so yeah. 

"Oh come on Louis! Live a little." One of the guys says patting my back and handing me a half finished bottle of vodka. 

I look at it hesitantly but take a couple sips. My eyes water at the fowl taste. I go to give it back to him but he just pushes it back to my lips and they all encourage me to keep drinking. 

Before I know it the bottle is completely empty and I can hardly walk in a straight line. My head feels light everything around me seems distant. This is my first time drinking so I'm not surprised I'm way more tipsy then the others.   

Niall and Ben are pissed drunk and are laughing and talking loudly, acting like complete idiots. I laugh to myself. For once I don't feel shy or overwhelmed by everything. We're on our way to Maccas so we can get something to eat. 

Zayn is probably the least drunk out of all of us. I think it's because he wants to keep an eye on me cause this is my first time drinking.

The triplets are acting like complete idiots, leaping over each other's shoulders and repeatedly falling over in the mud. I smile big once we reach McDonalds. I am sooooooooooooooooooo hungry. Hehe. 

We all go up to the front to order. I look around and notice there are several people giving us weird looks. I furrow my brows but ignore them and search through the menu.

"Excuse me?" A lady says, from beside us.

"Me?" I ask pointing a finger at myself.

"Yes you. I have children with me and I they want their dinner so I need to order first thanks." She says trying to get in front of me.

"Yeah no. Sorry lady but you can't just cut in front of my friend here. Go to the back of the line like everyone else thanks." Zayn says, holding his hand in front of her.

"Sorry but I have children with me there for I get to go first." The lady continues.

"Mam, we're not moving, just go to the back of the line." Dylan cuts in, having zero tolerance for the women. 

"Is there are problem here?" A tall man with a sleeve tattoo asks, rapping him arm around the lady. 

"Yes actually. Your girlfriend keeps trying to cut in front of my friend." Niall says.

"You liar! He cut in front of me Taylor!" The lady lies, now fake crying.

"Really now." The guy says through gritted teeth. He steps close to me.

"I didn't do anything! The lady just walked up to me saying I had to move cause she has kids with her." I defend myself.

Next thing I know I'm laying on the floor with a sharp pain in my back. I look up to see Zayn on top of the guy punching him in the face over and over again. Yelling at him for pushing me. The guy tries to fight back but Dylan pushes him back on the ground and helps Zayn. 

Teacher x Student (Larry Stylinson) *ON GOING*Where stories live. Discover now