the weekend with drew

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Saturday morning and I get up at half nine, HALF NINE! for going to the cinemas, well he is worth every minute I suppose. I run downstairs and breakfest is on the table, I stuff as much as I can in my mouth at once and mum asks "what's the hurry?" I hesitate thinking of an excuse " ermmm im going to the cinema in two hours with kayleigh to see you know that new film insurgent." I say to myself in my head please ,please buy it , please "okay well have fun I'm off to work, will see you later , bye ." I give a huge sigh of relief as she walks out the door . I sit on the sofa and wait for it to go half ten. "Shit I feel asleep." It ten to twelve , I ran upstairs and hopped in the shower and was out in no time I dried of and put skinney jeans and a baggy short sleeve floral shirt on with a mint green hoody. Now for the make up I didn't need much it was only the cinema so: miscara, lipstick and eyeshadow , done . With half an hour to go I jumped on a bus into town, five minutes im not gonna make it. Practically running with still a while to go and only two minutes I start to break a sweat and can't continue. As soon as I caught my breathe I ran again to try and be the least late possible and get there for five past with a sigh of relief he doesn't care. We wait in line for tickets to find they are sold out and the only film going was this horror called Annabel so we saw that instead. I jumped a few times but when I did Drew comforted me and after that I was fine. After the film we walked up and down town until it was dark and said our goodbyes until monday.

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