Chapter 2: Schoolboy crush

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" And you won't even believe it, but he totally freaked out!"

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" And you won't even believe it, but he totally freaked out!"

Currently I was in our English class with Isaac, where he was ranting about last year's basketball tryouts where some seniors had messed up, like really messed up.

He burst out into little fits of laughter, trying to lower his loud voice. Watching his hysteria made me crack a wide smile and then I slowly started to laugh as well.

After calming ourselves down, and checking if the teacher was bothered or not, I said, " Isaac, you know that what you told was not even remotely that funny, right?"

" Oh really? Then why did you laugh?" He questioned rhetorically, his smile just getting wider each passing moment.

" Dude, have you seen yourself? You can make those tough English guards crack up with your lameness," I retaliated.

He fixed his glasses and said in a calmer tone, " Yeah, whatever."

" Yeah," I said, fiddling with my phone case since there was nothing to do.

Our English teacher had given us work to do and then started grading some homeworks. I turned my head to the right to see Isaac flipping through the pages of his book. No matter what he went through, somehow he always managed to keep his hair neat and short. His brownish hair was in its usual quiff, face cleanly shaved for the new week as he tried to make sense of the words printed on the pages.

Satisfied with the view, I turned to my book and tried to find something remotely interesting to read. I was almost thinking of actually reading a line when I heard a soft voice float into my ears, saying, " Hey... Isaac?"

I pretended to be engrossed in whatever the hell was in my book, but kept my concentration on Isaac and the girl that started speaking through my peripheral vision.

" Yeah, that's me," Isaac returned, smiling his charming smile that could make everyone drop dead.

" I am Kayla," she said, extending her hand forward, " Kayla Davis."

Isaac's smile got wider as he shook hands with the girl sitting beside her.

" Nice to meet you, Kayla," he said sweetly.

She took a deep breath, and I found myself observing her.

Her dark curly hair was held into a high bun, her skin a deep umber colour, covered by the same uniform as everyone else in the room. There was nothing specifically noticeable in her, but still she seemed to have caught my eye. I tried to understand from her seating posture if she was taller than me and the answer seemed to be a yes.

She said, " Well, this might sound really weird but I promise I'm not a creep!"

Isaac's smile grew wider, " I've been after my middle school girlfriend for a year after we 'broke up', so I will forever be the creepiest of humans," he finished with a chuckle, air quoting the words and saying the whole thing with a sense of mock pride.

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