Chapter 6 - Namek

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Kakarot woke up and went to check on Vegeta he had gotten a significant boost in power kakarot smirked and went towards the other Saiyans "Raditz, Nappa we are going to train"

and train they did kakarot mercilessly beat on them not holding back a single bit but the Saiyans knew this was the fastest way to make them stronger Vegeta woke up soon after and joined them

In a few months, they were almost as strong as Zarbon and dodoria. "we must go to namek" kakarot said "why kakarot?" they others said "there are some rumors about namek having some wishing orbs like of earth we can wish for immortality for you three like me" "what...YOU HAVE IMMORTALITY AND DIDN'T TELL US?" " Shut up we don't need the entire ship knowing," kakarot said "we should go right now," said Vegeta 

And they did just that in a few months they were at namek but unknown to them Frieza was there as well. kakarot was filled with rage as he sensed Frieza's power he wanted to go then and there but he wanted to achieve his goal first quickly flying around the planet he killed every single Frieza force member he saw. Frieza noticed this and sent for the Ginyu force.

kakarot and the others regrouped and had 6 dragon balls just then 2 people showed up it was Zarbon and dodoria "Heheheh we were being pressured by monkeys? " "do not underestimate them you brute they could be hiding some sort of weapon that is the only way they could kill all of our forces" kakarot scoffed and was about to go finish them off but Vegeta stepped in and said "no I want them" 

kakarot smirked and said "so be it then I will go look for some namekians and the last ball, Raditz come with me" Raditz nodded and both of them flew to gurus' place and went in got the last dragon ball and nail went with them. nail and guru knew they were evil to the core but the Saiyans did not kill any namekians and the Saiyans were their only option.

Nail was forced to summon the dragon and wished for all 3 Saiyans to have immortality 

lol sorry for being late I was just bored and I ran out of ideas

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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