More Realizations

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Carlos: Okay Guys, there are four basic categories. The Getcha Head In the Frame Trivia Challenge, Bop Till You Drop Dance Challenge, Sync to the Status Quo Lip Sync Challenge, and Looking for Glee. Which I thought would be a fun name for the singing challenge because when I was a kid I was obsessed with the show.

Ej: Hey well it still holds up.

Carlos: Oh good. I thought you guys were gonna judge me. Ok so Knights you won the coin toss so you guys get to pick the first challenge.

West High Knights consist of Big Red, Gina, Ashlyn and EJ and the other dancers (who I'm trying to learn the names of so forgive me).

Ashlyn: Okay we're gonna look for Glee.

Carlos: Excellent. Now, as fast as you can please sing the lyrics to What I've Been Looking Far to the rhythm of Getcha Head In The Game.

Ej and Gina go back and forth with this challenge.

Ej: It's hard to believe.

Gina: That I couldn't see.

They look at each now while slowly standing up and vibing together.

Ej: That you were always, always, always right beside me.

Gina: Thought I was alone with no one to hold.

Ej and Gina: But you were always, always always right beside me! Yeah!

They fall back down and Gina ends up on Ej's lap and they just laugh together. She didn't even realize where she was until she calmed down from laughing.

Gina: Oh man *she says while laughing* I'm sorry Ej, didn't mean to get up all in your space.

Ej: No that's okay G, I really didn't mind it.

They kinda stared at each other for a bit until Carlos interrupts them.

Carlos: Congratulations, you get to move four spaces closers to center stages at East High. Okay Wildcats, take a spin.

A few more rounds have passed and Ej and Gina shared a few short glances as time went by.

Carlos: Okay you guys, according to the Musical Choosical Handbook of Rulesicals, the only way to resolve a tie at the end of regulation play is with a lightning round of Getcha Head in the Frame trivia questions. Are you ready? People have been known to cry during this.

Carlos: Name both jersey numbers Troy wears in the movie?

Ej: Uh 14 and 10.

Carlos: Correct. How does Gabriella describe herself when she's complaining to her mom?

Ej: As the schools freaky genius girl.

Carlos: And do people talk like that?

Ej: They do not.

Carlos: Correct.

Gina praises Ej for getting those answers right and putting their team in the lead.

Carlos: Wildcats, who's red tie does Ms. Darbus compliment at auditions?

Seb: Allen.

Carlos: Correct. Now time for the final question which is worth ten points. What is the name of the girl who pops and locks?

Gina gets up and starts popping and locking.

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