"I've grown quite tired of you already. You better learn your place real quick." The man threw down his cigarette before pinning the female against the wall again.

The larger man groveled as he tried to make a quick recovery. "You stupid bitch! Now you're really gonna get it!" He barked a laugh as the thinner man started to unbuckle his belt, the female struggling to push the man away as her head swayed with dizziness.

It was at this precise moment that Lee Rang signaled to Ki Yuri. He has let this go on long enough. He cleared his throat loudly, making his presence known. "I'm sorry boys, but I think it's time to let the girl go."

Both men whipped their heads toward him. The larger man scurried to get back on his feet. The thinner turned his attention back to the woman. "You should probably mind your own business and we won't have to get your lady involved in this. So let's be smart shall we?" He grabbed the girl's wrists in one hand, she barely struggled as she whined in pain. "Take care of them, Chul. I'm gonna teach this bitch a lesson."

Chul picked himself off the ground and faced Rang, raising his fists and switching his stance into attack mode. "Should have stepped away quietly buddy."

Rang rolled his shoulders and smirked back at Yuri. The latter let her hair down, pulling out her hidden weapon. The two moved in tandem, no words needed to be exchanged. Yuri easily took down the larger of the two men as Rang went right after the smoker. He ripped the man away from the woman, her body slid down the brick wall. Rang overpowered the thug and had him curled in a ball next to his friend.

Yuri added a few injuries to the pile before standing up and shaking the blood off her weapon. She smiled at Rang, feeling much better that the vile men were cowering in the corner of the alleyway now. She then looked over to the other female who was holding her head while curled in on herself.

Rang still had his eyes on the men as he chuckled. "How pitiful." His left eye started to glow a golden color. "I can promise you that if you survive your wounds, you'll never forget this night. You'll be plagued by horrors that even your worst nightmares will be afraid of." He grinned as the men started screaming and throwing their arms around as if trying to swat things away from them.

Yuri was now kneeling in front of the girl, placing her hands gently on her arms. The female swatted Yuri's hands away, terrified of being grabbed again. The vixen tried to look at the girl in the eyes but they were clouded over with thoughts that raced through her mind.

Rang frowned as he looked at the two females. "She's dissociating." He stated while moving closer and crouching down in front of the girl. "Hey," he called out to her first. Her body paused for a moment as if focusing on his voice. "Alright Wolf," he kept his voice gentle as he noticed her eyes start to focus on her feet. "You're okay now. They're not going to be bothering you anymore." Holding his hands up to show that he meant no harm he continued to speak. "Would it be alright if one of us looked you over and checked your injuries?"

The woman didn't answer his question. Instead she tried to press her body into the wall behind her while forcing herself to look up at him. "Wolf?" She questioned before grasping her head in pain as a sudden pain shot through her skull. Her eyes snapped shut and she grabbed her hair tightly as if trying to grab the pain out of her head.

The fact that she seemed confused worried the fox slightly. He hoped it wasn't anything serious that the men did. "Hey, don't do that. It will just cause you more pain." He gently pulled her hands from her hair, ignoring the way she flinched when he touched her. "What's your name? Do you remember it?"

"Mae Eun-ji." She replied as she opened her eyes. She didn't look at him this time, instead focusing on the woman next to him. She pulled her hands away from and allowed her body to relax a little at the sight of the female.

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