"I'll love you even if we break up," he said making me a little confused.


"The only way to know that I don't like you is to ask me if I like you. If I say no, then I don't. If I say anything else which isn't a synonym of 'no' then I still love you," he said.

"Why are you suddenly saying this?"

"I just thought of it," he said and fidgeted with his fingers.

"So do you like me?" I asked and chuckled.

"Yes," he answered. "Do you?" He looked at me with a slight smile.

"Yes." I pecked his lips. "The same goes for me then. I'll always love you!"

"I have to go back now. We have shooting," he said.

"Don't cry, okay?"

"I won't." He gave me a small smile and then got out.


The next day, Jungkook came over. He said that they will end their work at 2pm this whole week. It's strange, but i'm happy about it because I get to see Jungkook and he gets to rest more.

"What is Nh and what is it's atomic number?" He asked me. He was teaching me chemistry for my exam.

"I don't know!" I whined.

"You're exam is tomorrow and you still don't know the basics of your exam. Come on! Don't give up! Think harder."

"Uuh.. Nihonium.. and uuuh- I don't know the number!" I gave up.

"You're doing good. I'll help you. It starts with 1."

"17," I randomly said.


"13," I randomly said again.

"Close but not quite."

"14," I guessed again.

"Try to remember the number. Don't just guess," he said.

"Tell me the number already!" I whined again.

"No! I'll give you a guess again. It's a bad number, and people say that it gives bad luck."

"I told you! 13!"

"No! 13 is Aluminium!"

"Then what is it?!" I groaned and lied on my back.

"113!" He said.

I sat back up and smiled innocently. "Oh yeah, 113. I knew that all along. I was just playing with you." I grinned.

"You seriously need to study for your test!" 

"It's just Nihonium that I can't remember. I can all of them. Ask me!"

"What's Au?"

"Aluminium, number 13," I said confidently.

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