𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 12 (Part 2)

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Warning: Mentions of attempt kidnapping.


"Can you convince him not to take her to Voldemort, Severus? If you tell him that we will save his family against him. " He says calmly. Meanwhile everyone gasps at the mentioning of You-Know-Who's name. Snape gritted his teeth as well. "... I can try. His family's safety is his priority after all." he states as he was about to leave a bright green light started blinding them. "What in Godric's name is going on?!" McGonagall exclaims shielding her eyes while the others shield their eyes as well.


As the green light settles, as they move their arms away from their eyes. As they did; they were all shock to see Wynn the Wind Channeler, Y/n, a girl with golden blonde hair, and a white dragon flying above them without any of them noticing. "Hello Y/n. What happened? And who is this?" Dumbledore asks politely gesturing to Cassandra. Y/n then turns to look at the blonde-haired girl. "This is Cassandra. Cassandra Nozomu. The friend I told you guys about." She says. "Konichiwa (Hello)." Cassandra greets in Japanese that surprised the others quite a bit (except Snape).

"Japanese?" Lupin questions. Meanwhile Dumbledore smiles. "So you are Cassandra. It's a pleasure to meet you." He says as he bows politely. The others copy his action, Snape however just gives a nod. "How did you girls get in here?" McGonagall asks confused. Y/n then points to Wynn the Wind Channeler who is still out of her card.

Snape then turns to look at Y/n. "Is that from one of your cards? Like the puffball creature you brought out?" he questions as the girl nods her head. "Yes, but not all my monster cards are monsters. They are also dragons, spellcaster, warrior, etc. There also other types out there such as fiend, machine, zombie, beasts, and many more." She says as the blonde-haired girl nods. "That's right. Wynn the Wind Channeler is an example of a Spellcaster-type monster." She says pointing to Y/n's Duel Monster. "Interesting." Lupin says as he hums. Ron gulps. "Z-zombies?" He asks quietly. Harry chuckles. "How about spiders?" that made the red-haired boy's face turn pale. "S-spiders?" he says in a high pitched noise.

Cassandra then let's out a sigh. "Y/n doesn't have any spiders or Zombies in her deck. We were clearly explaining the types of Duel Monsters that exists in our world that extends the entire Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card game." She says hoping that would calm the red-haired Gryffindor down. Ron has calmed down a bit, though not completely.
Hermione sighs too. "All he heard was "zombies" and "spiders". That's enough to freak him out." she states. "Yes, we could see that but most likely to those who don't like horror and scary stuff." Cassandra states.

Ron huffs. "I bloody HATE spiders!!" He exclaims while shuddering. The blonde-haired girl clears her throat focusing back on the topic why both her and Y/n are here. "The reason on why we're here was that... we managed to get away from Lucius Malfoy." She says as she narrows her eyes at the mention of the blonde-haired man. "Malfoy! Of course!" Harry exclaims angrily. Lupin then looks at Y/n. "Did he try to kidnap you, Y/n?" he asks, worriedly. Y/n nods her head. "Nearly. He would have if Cassy didn't shot him away from me with a fire blast." She says to them while looking at Cassandra.

The Trio can't help but laugh at that. "Ha, I bet Malfoy wasn't bloody prepare for that!" Ron as he's still laughing. When they are finally done laughing, Dumbledore gains everyone's attention. "We will need to be careful and keep an eye Lucius and his son, Draco Malfoy. I'm afraid we can't have you on being alone anymore, Y/n. It's simply too risky." Dumbledore states. Meanwhile Snape mentally sighs. Great, now that Lucius failed his mission, he surely will get punished by the Dark Lord. That has happened quite a lot. The Potions Master was then snapped out of his thoughts when the blonde-haired girl says. "I agree with Professor Dumbledore. Though, the independence of a L/n can sometimes get you into trouble." Cassandra states as she crossed her arms looking at Y/n who looked down in embarrassment. The others were confused. The independence of a L/n?

Tʜᴇ Dᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ Oғ Eᴠɪʟ ♛❁ (Severus Snape x Reader x Lucius Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now