𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7

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They are in Hogsmeade as you can't apparate directly to Hogwarts. They two were then walking there way out of the village to find a private spot where Y/n can show Snape her drawings. Although, the girl is a bit embarrassed to show her drawings to him. Usually she draws what she see and draws something she likes.
The two then found a perfect spot a tree which is nearby the village. Once they reached there, Snape turns to look at her. "So may I see your drawings?" he asks her as they sit down at the tree.

Y/n shyly nods. She then took her bag off her shoulder as she then gently put it on the side. She then took out her iPad and Apple Pen. Snape looks confused on why she took out her pen. He then look at her curiously. "What are you going to use the pen for?" he questions. Y/n looks up at him. "It's much more easier to draw with it. You can also draw with your fingers but I prefer drawing with my Apple Pen." She says as she remembered the first time she tried to draw with her fingers because she saw a few people online do but find it hard to draw with her fingers so she prefer to draw with the pen.

Snape hums. "Can you show me?" he asks, intrigued. Y/n nods her head as she gently took the pen out of it's case which is plain white in color. As she then attach the pen to the side so she wouldn't be holding it while using it. She then opened it with the power button as the screen lit up. As it then turned on completely. Y/n started typing the passcode of the iPad. Snape noticed that the locks creen was a picture of her holding Kuribon in her arms the card she showed him yesterday and another girl who was around the same age as she is; while holding a white puffball monster like thing which looked like it was floating. "Who's that? Is she one of your friends?" he asks referring to the other girl on the lock screen.
"Close friend of mine. That's Cassandra. Cassandra Nozomu. She's a half-American and half-Japanese. We known each other since grade school. She's my bestfriend." Y/n explains. Snape is really gonna ask me on how Kuribon and Watapon looked real. Well, that's because of our capability to see Duel Monsters spirits.

Snape raises an eyebrow. "You can see monster spirits? As in, you can see real ones?" he asks curiously. Y/n laughs nervously she almost forgot that her thoughts won't go unhidden from him. "Pretty much, the monster cards in my deck can come out when I ever wanted them. For some reason this happen back in my 3rd year at junior high." She says to him. Snape widens his eyes at that. "Really? What happened then?" he questions. It's really interesting that she can do that, he has no idea. "It happened while I was watching Yu-Gi-Oh! right after I finished my homework. That's when I heard the sound of a Kuriboh usually does but it's more of a high pitched." She explains to him.

Snape hums. "Interesting. I know a colleague of mine who would love to discuss theses... creatures." he says. Rubeus Hagrid loves all types of animals, mainly magical animals. The more dangerous, the better. Snape wonders how Hagrid would react to these creatures. "I can bring out one of them, if you want." Y/n says shyly as that caught his attention. Snape looks intrigued. "Sure, why not?" he waits to one of these creatures. Y/n then took out her deck from her deck holder. She usually has to be careful when it comes to choose what Duel Monster she has to bring out and not to mention trying not to attract any unwanted attention from people. She then chose a perfect one; her Kuribon. "Alright. Come on out!! Kuribon!!" She calls out as the female brown puffball monster (which has a tail and a red ribbon tie around it) comes out of her card in physical form, but it depends on Y/n to let them out either in physical or spiritual form.

 Come on out!! Kuribon!!" She calls out as the female brown puffball monster (which has a tail and a red ribbon tie around it) comes out of her card in physical form, but it depends on Y/n to let them out either in physical or spiritual form

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The puffball looks so happy to see her as she then rubbed her cheek against Y/n's face which lasted a few seconds. But when Kuribon saw Snape she quickly hides behind Y/n. Normally, that's how Kuribon and Winged Kuriboh would usually do when meeting people.

Snape chuckles a bit. "That's cute. It seems to be very fond of you." He says. It was very adorable when the creature rubbed Y/n's cheek. Y/n giggles at that. "She does. She was one of my favorite Duel Monsters. I was always gentle with her and the other Duel Monsters I have in my deck. But Kuribon kind of reminds me of myself. Well, bit's of my personality if you ask me." She says as both her and Snape turned to look back at the little female Kuriboh. Y/n then reached her hand out gesturing her to come forward in which Kuribon happily obligated as she then flew it's way towards her shoulder. The girl giggles as she then started caressing her fur gently.

Snape gives a small smile while Y/n isn't looking. He then looks curiously at her. "You said it reminded of your of yourself, personality-wise. How so?" He questions. He wonders if it's due to them being both gentle and shy. Y/n then stops what she was doing when he spoke as she and the female Kuriboh then turned to look at him. As Kuribon sat on the girl's lap. "Well, there are bits of my personality that Kuribon reminds me of myself. Which were my gentleness, kindness, and innocence." She says as she then starts petting the brown puffball as she then purr at her petting her. Which made Y/n smile. Snape nods. "I see, those are definitely your traits. I can see why you are attached to something that reminds you of yourself." he says while folding his hands on his lap. Y/n nods at that as she then opened the app on her iPad "Ibis-Paint X". The app she uses to draw with. She can't help but feel nervous once again. But she has to take a deep breath again. She then tapped the "Main gallery" with the Apple Pen with a tap.

Snape chuckles quietly. He can tell that she's nervous. He then looks at the screen. "Interesting, so this is where you draw, huh? What do you usually draw?" he questions while looking intrigued at the screen as he's waiting to see the drawings.
Y/n scratches the back of her neck nervously. "Well, yes this is where I draw and honestly I usually draw what I see and draw what I like." She says to him as she then started scrolling through her gallery.

Meanwhile back in the Real world in another girl's house....

The girl with blonde hair and black eyes was sitting on her bed with her phone in hand. She was Y/n's friend, Cassandra. "Hi. You reached Y/n's cellphone. I'm a bit busy right now please leave a message and I will get right back to you. Thank you so much." Hearing that made, Cassandra put her phone on her nightstand which was right beside her. Y/n where are you? Wherever you're out there; I hope you're doing well. Cassandra then looked at a card. Which was a Duel Monster Card. A white dragon with blue eyes. That card was Y/n's card; Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

 That card was Y/n's card; Blue-Eyes White Dragon

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Cassandra let's out a sigh as she then puts it right beside her deck of cards.

Tʜᴇ Dᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ Oғ Eᴠɪʟ ♛❁ (Severus Snape x Reader x Lucius Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now