" What the fuck do you want." Austin said

" that is my little sister. She is still underage and you technically kidnapped her. Give her back." Kameron said.

" One. She's 18 today dip shit. Two. And I can turn your fucking dad in for beating and raping her." Austin said

" He never did that." Kameron said

" Your so fucking blind. How long were you gone ? In the time you were gone your dad was cheating on your mom, your dad got his girlfriend pregnant. You really think I'm lying about him beating and raping her ?" Austin said

I sighed and walked off the porch.

" It's fine Austin your not gonna convince him." I said walking to Austin.

" Ashton. Your coming home now." Kameron said

" That place is not my home. And I'm never stepping foot in the house ever again." I said pulling Austin away.

" Ashton !" I heard a girl voice say.

I turned around and saw Iris.

She had tears in her eyes and she had her hands over her mouth.

" Iris ?" I said

I walked to her and she quickly hugged me.

" Are you finally home ?" She asked

" No.." I said

She let me go and said ;

" What ?"

" I don't live here anymore.. This is not my home. Where I left too is my home."

" Where did you leave too ?" Addie asked from iris doorway.

" It doesn't matter." I said

" I still can't believe you left us for him." Jordan scoffed giving Austin a dirty look.

I didn't say anything and walked away.

I felt someone pull me and it was a strong painful grip.

" She's coming home." Kameron said pulling me.

The boys ran to kameron and Austin punched Kameron.

" Let her go." Austin said

Kameron held his face and gripped onto me tighter.

Kameron put a gun to my head and said ;

" Either she's coming with me or a put a bullet through her head."

Tears filled my eyes and Austin didn't know what to do I could tell. Austin sighed and backed up. He wasn't going to do anything.

Kameron put the gun down and started walking back to the house. We got to the porch and he tried pushing me into the house. He walked in and set the gun back in the cabinet and locked it. I quickly ran out of the house and ran into Austins arms.

I started crying and he rubbed my back.

" Shh." He said

" Austin bring her into the house." Michele said

He picked me up and carried me into the house. When we got inside he sat there hugging me.

" Set me down." I whispered in his ear.

He set me down and I walked into the bathroom. I wiped away my tears and splashed some water on my face.

I looked at my arm and it had a hand mark on it. I fucking hate them. I hate them so fucking much. I pulled down my sleeve and walked out. I saw Austin hugging his mom tightly.

" Austin. You need to go back now." She said

" No. I'm staying at least tonight." He said

" I want you to protect her and that means leaving and not coming back for a long time." She said

" I'm staying at least tonight mom." He said

" Fine.." She said

I walked past them and into the living room. Austin walked to me and sat down. I looked at him and he kissed my nose.

" I love you." He said

" I love you more." I said

" Not possible." He said

" Yes it is." I said

He shook his head no.

" Can I tell my mom about.." He said trailing off and touching my stomach.

I shook my head yes and he said ;

" Mom, boys. I have to tell you something."

They all looked at him and he continued ;

" Ashton is pregnant."

Michele stood up and shrieked a little. She quickly ran over to us and hugged us.

" I'm so happy for you." She said

" Congrats." AC and Zach said.

I looked at my phone and it was already 8 pm.

" I'm tired." I said

" Me too." Austin said

" Why don't you go to bed." Michele said

We nodded and we walked to Austins room.

We walked in and the memories flooded back.

" I've never slept in here." I said

" Yeah cause your asshole family." Austin said

I laughed and laid down.

" Ugh I'm so tired." I said

" Go to bed doll." He said

" Then come lay with me." I said

He laughed and crawled over me.

" Babe. Not tonight." I whispered

" I know." He said

He leaned down and started kissing all over my face quickly. I started laughing and tried hiding my face.

" Stop." I said laughing.

He stopped and looked down at me. He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

" Good night baby. I love you more than anything in this world." He said

" Goodnight baby. I love you more than anything in the universe." I said

I turned around to where I was facing his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. It was calming to hear the heartbeat of someone you love. And it's even better falling asleep to it.

Dirty little secret.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن