Chapter 5: the attack on Coby

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Then another incident occurred. The ape disobeyed Patch's instructions to keep away from Coby Wilder. He tried to corner Coby in the showers when there was no one else around. The ape came off very second best and had to be taken to the infirmary.

Coby fronted Patch just to make sure that he hadn't had anything to do with that fool of an ape's attempt at revenge. Patch was furious when he found out and when the fool got out of the infirmary, a few of Patch's boys sent him straight back with more damage. The authorities decided that it would be best for the ape to be transferred to another prison.

Coby was called up to see the prison superintendent. I fretted until he came back. He nodded to me and then sat down and started reading. I was glaring at him.

"Coby?" I demanded, my voice full of anguish.

He looked up at me, his face expressionless. "Coby, please," I pleaded, "I feel responsible."

"I make my own decisions, Dawson," he stated flatly.

"I know, of course you do, but I was the initial cause of that ape's problem with you . . . and I've been worried about you," my voice was starting to crack.

His expression didn't change, but he nodded towards my bunk and said, "Sit down."

I sat. He got up and came over and sat next to me, something he had never done before. He began to speak in a voice so low that I had to lean against his shoulder to hear what he was saying.

"The Super and I had a quiet one-to-one and we understood each other (what did that mean?) but he wanted to know the full story. So I told him. He was onside because I hadn't sent the ape to hospital which would have been a hassle for him - ambulance, guards assigned, reports, possible police involvement, etc. Now Patch will have his turn with the Super and there the matter will end."

"But you told him, . . . he knows . . ."

"He already pretty much knew, Dawson. Look, the Super wants harmony in the jail, just like me he's after a peaceful life."

"But will the ape tell what happened, put you in . . ." I was still anxious.

"Not even that ape is that dumb. If he dobbed either myself or Patch in, his life in jail would become hell on earth, and there would suddenly be two or three witnesses who would remember him attacking me or Patch's boys."

"And," Coby went on, "the clown came at me with a knife, I hadn't expected that."

I remembered something and reached across him and grabbed his right arm - he let me. I pulled the sleeve up to reveal a long scratch or cut starting to scab up. I said sternly, "You should've told me. I hope you went to the infirmary."

"No, it's not much. I put antiseptic on it."

"But you might've needed a tetanus shot."

I looked up at him, there was a bemused, or was it amused, expression on his face.

"It's okay, Dawes. Stop fussing."

I leant heavily against his shoulder and sighed, "I'm sorry to have been so much trouble for you, Coby."

He got to his feet, giving my shoulder a squeeze as he did, "You're not any trouble that I can't handle, Dawes."

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