The Mind Thinks; The Brain Does- Chapter 2

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POV- Paul

"Honey, wake up!" My mom. Why so early? Oh yeah, school. Eleventh grade hasn't been my finest year. "Paul! Wake, up!" I wish she would let me sleep and stop shaking me. "I made eggs! And toast!"

"I'm up!" Ohhh yeah! Eggs and toast! "Scrabbled right?"

"Of course!" She seems worried about something. "Come on out, your sisters are already eating their pancakes."

"Sure thing, let me change first." What to wear... My Star Wars T and my jeans should work.

"Alright, come out when you're done."

"Yup." Okay, she's out, time to get dressed.

You can just smell the butter melting on the bread, my mom is the best. I ran out and flew into the stool. "Thanks mom!"

"No problem, hope you like it!" She seems a little better now.

"What's up mom? You seem down." My mouth is stuffed with eggs on toast, I hope she could understand what I said.

"Oh, nothing much. I'm just worried about this rabies." She turned around a picked up a bow of doctor's masks. "The sheriff of our town handed them out this morning." She walked over and handed one to me. "He wants everyone to wear them, new law, new school rule."

"Why though?"

"The rabies is combining with other nuisances, fungi, the flu. It's airborne now. Put it on."

"Okay, what about Meg and Arty, do they have a pair yet?"

"Yes, I already gave them theirs. They just went outside for the bus. They'll be waiting awhile."

"Okay, well I'll be heading out soon."

"That's fine with me, your lunch is in the fridge."

"Thanks mom." She's the best.

"I have to go to work now honey, watch out for your sisters for me please."

"Sure thing."

I finished my breakfast as mom headed out the door, best mom ever. Well, I'm pretty sure she's the best. She's the only mom I've ever had, so she's also my least favorite mom. My lunch is in the fridge, okay, got it. Everything together? Yup. Oops, almost forgot to brush my teeth.


"Hey Paul." Meggie, Megan, Meg, my little sister. Gosh, she's annoying sometimes.

"Heya lil' sis."

"Don't call me little you big-shot"

"Don't you remember I'm still as tall as you." Oh yeah. The fourteen year-old is tall, forgot to mention that.

"Sorry, sorry, but you're still younger than me."

"Artemis, please get him to shut up." Meg's whining voice, no, please!

Artemis's voice broke in. "Shut up both of you, you're annoying."

Thanks Arty, but even though she's younger than me, I'm gonna listen to her. She's got her head in the right place.

"But Artemissss!" Meggie, stop! Just drop it! You're the most annoying creature alive!

"Meg. I said, 'shut up'." And it was at that moment, Meg shut up. The end. Artemis is 16, not too much younger than myself.

Finally, the bus. The creaky brakes went off and we hopped on.

Artemis takes a seat next to a buff dude that looks like Toby Turner, I'm guessing they're dating. Meggie takes her normal gossip session seat. And I, take my favorite number, eighteen. It's always open, they know that it's my seat. It may seem stupid, but they understand my number and organizing condition. I flip out my old, worn out, deficient mp3 player and look threw all the Indie Rock artists. I choose Pinback and listen to "Prog". Love their music, it has a nice beat.

Glancing around the bus I see kids with masks, kids with handkerchiefs, and the retarded rebels with nothing. I mean seriously, it doesn't make you look bad, and you're just gonna get sick. Well I say let 'em, the world's a better place without "cool kids".

It takes about thirteen minutes, but eventually we reach the high school, this worn out place looks like crap. Kids are rushing in from every direction, a conjugating on the front lawn, and some doing homework that's due today. I walk in and find Jeremy and Jacob, my two best buds, waiting for me in the hallway.

"Hey Paul!" Jacob and his long girly hair. ERRREFGEFERTEF!

"Wassup holmes?!"

"Jeremy and I wanted to know who you're asking out to prom."

"What for?"

Jeremy cuts in his idiotic opinion, "So we can ask her for you."

"Well, boys, I'm not going. I don't like anyone in this school."

"Are you serious? That has to be a lie."

"I'm certain that I have NO crushes for anyone in this community of retards, Jacob. Why, do you guys like any of these dim wit girls?"

"Well Jeremy here likes your sister Artemis."

"He ain't got a chance, I saw her this morning with her strong-as-heck boyfriend on the bus flirting."


"Jeremy, you don't have a chance." Then I have no idea what happened but we all burst out laughing, I'm guessing because of how true it was.

"Guys, I've got to go to class, see you at lunch!"

"See ya!"



Those retards, I use that word too much. But I guess it's the only way to describe them.


Even though lots of parents kept their kids home, this crap hole is still jammed up like traffic during rush hour. Still can't believe some kids are dumb enough to walk around without their masks. It actually seems pretty normal, I have no clue why though.


Don't worry, the action shall come soon! :3

BTW sorry for spelling mistakes, please help me spot them! It bugs me too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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