Thirty two- jesse the girlfriend stealer

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Breaking news: Jesse Lingard stealing his teammates girls? He was spotted out with Mason Mount's & Jack Grealish's girlfriends.

"They managed to get a picture of you two, when u were like side hugging

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"They managed to get a picture of you two, when u were like side hugging." Sasha informed us, turning her phone around so we could see the screen.

"Ahaha Jesse the girlfriend stealer." I laughed as we pulled up in my driveway. "Such a player man." Jesse joked as he opened his car door.


"It's been three minutes Mai, time to have a look." Sasha informed me from the other side of the bathroom door.
I looked down and saw two lines. Immediately I was overjoyed, however that joy soon turned into worry. What if I'm unable to carry the baby again...what if the damage Marcus did will last a lifetime.

"So... what does it say?" Jesse asked.
I opened the door and walked out, not giving away a hint of emotion.
"Sooo?" Sasha questioned. "I'm pregnant guys." I replied, looking at the floor, fiddling with my hands.
"Omg congratulations....wait, you don't look happy.. what's wrong?" Jesse asked. I flopped onto the sofa and Jesse and Sasha sat either side of me.
"I'm worried I won't be able to carry the baby again." I admitted. "Babe I'm sure it will be fine! Your wound has healed amazingly, and we will book you a doctors appointment ASAP!" Sasha told me, squeezing my arm.
"Yeh okay, can you guys not tell anyone please, I don't want people to know yet incase I lose it. Not even Mase yet." I told them sternly, they nodded and held out their pinky's in response.
I giggled linking pinky's with each of them.
"Thanks guys, I'd appreciate it if you could come with me to the doctors as well? I'll ring and book an appointment now." I told them, getting up to grab my phone from the kitchen.

I came back into the room 5 minutes later. "Okay so my appointment is 11am Wednesday, so that's tomorrow, can you guys make it?" I asked, sitting down next to Sasha.
"I'm so sorry babe I have a shoot in the morning!" Sasha moaned. "I'll come round yours after though!" She added, I nodded in return as I turned to Jesse.
"It's your lucky day! My training is in the afternoon tomorrow, so I'll come with you." He told me smiling. "Thank you so much Jess!" I replied, a smile forming on my face. I was glad I didn't have to face it alone. I would tell Mason but I don't want to get his hopes up yet again....I'm going to wait for a bit.

We began wedding planning again, as that was the whole purpose of the meet up.  Soon John and Jack joined us, letting themselves in.

"We've been planning for ages now, shall we order pizza?" Jack suggested. We all agreed, telling him our orders. I decided to order Mase one too, as he should be home soon.

We watch watching love island when we heard a car pull up. "That must be the pizza!" Jack screamed, running to open the door. He quickly unlocked it and swung it open. "Oh... it's just Mason." He frowned trudging back into the lounge.
"Gee thanks for the warm welcome man." Mase chuckled as he stepped into the house. "Who were you expecting anyway? I do live here you know!" He added.
"We ordered pizza, I thought you were the delivery driver." Jack replied, still looking sad it was Mason, not in fact the pizza.  "I've ordered you one Mase don't worry." I spoke up, knowing he was going to complain we ordered without him. "It's like you read my mind!" He smirked, walking over to me, picking me up and placing me in his lap as he sat down. I snuggled into him, as we waiting for the pizza.

The pizza arrived not long after Mase, much to the delight of Jack. We sat around eating for a while, and showed Mason what we have planned wedding wise, he agreed with all of our ideas.
We watched a movie for a while, before people started heading home.

"I'm sorry I've been at training so much, the gaffer is working us really hard at the minute." Mase told me once everyone had left.
"It's alright Mase, I was just getting stressed about planning the wedding by myself, so asked them to come and help me." I told him.  I could tell he felt guilty, so I reassured him some more and we cuddled on the sofa for a while, before deciding it was time for bed. Mason had training from 9-4 anyway, so had to get some sleep.

(The next morning)

Mase had gone to training and Jesse was picking me up in 5 minutes. I was frantically trying to get ready. I was running late, as usual. I messaged Jesse telling him to just come in when he's here.
I was ready around ten minutes later, and walked downstairs to find Jesse sat on the sofa, eating some biscuits. "Oi Lingard! Stop nicking my biscuits!" I scolded him. "But I'm hungry!" He pouted. "We can get some food after the appointment!" I told him, grabbing my bag and walking out to Jesse's car.

The ride to the hospital was a short one. We were taken straight in when we arrived. "Hi there, Mr and Mrs Verstappen?" She questioned as we walked in the door. I shot Jesse a look as if to say 'dont do it again' he nodded and held his hands up in defence.
"No I'm Mai Verstappen, this is my friend Jesse." I replied smiling at the brunette lady in front of me.
"Oh I'm sorry." She quickly said. "It's no bother, it's happened before." Jesse replied chuckling, I glared at him in response.

"Okay this may be a bit cold.." she told me, squirting a clear gel onto my stomach. I flinched at the sudden temperature change.
"Congratulations, you are around 6 weeks." She informed me, a friendly smile on her face.
"I see you have had a miscarriage before, due to a wound. So I would like to see you every two weeks just to make sure everything is in order." She said as I nodded in reply.
Soon enough she had printed some photos out for me, wiped the gel off my stomach and we were on our way.

"Thank you for coming with me Jesse." I told him as we walked out to the car. "No problem, let's go get food now!" He said grabbing my arm to move me faster.
"Shit, Mai look paps." He pointed at a black suv. Immediately I covered my face and jumped in the car, Jesse following suit.

We had decided to go to Chiquitos as I fancied Mexican. We were sat waiting for our food when Jesse sighed. "What's wrong?" I questioned. He turned his phone around.

Breaking: Jesse Lingard and Mai Verstappen spotted walking out of hospital, has something happened?

I started getting worried, I guess it showed because Jesse placed his hand on my arm, rubbing his fingers in circular motions to try and calm me down. "Mase is going to ask questions now... so is my family and the football team.." I trailed off. "Do you want to tell them? I don't mind lying for you." Jesse said.
"What excuse would we even use? If I didn't tell Mason now he would be worried and think I was dying or something." I sighed, putting my head in my hands, desperately trying to think.

"I need to tell him tonight..." I whispered, barely audible, but somehow Jesse heard.
"Whatever you decide, I'll go along with." He told me.

The food arrived not long after, we finished up and got into Jesse car to go back home. When I got a text.


Mase- babe are you okay? I just saw the news why were you in hospital? Xx

Mai- I'm fine darling don't worry, we will talk about it later. Enjoy the rest of training xx


"Mase just messaged, he's seen the news." I told Jesse. "Try not to worry Mai, he's going to be over the moon trust me!" He answered as we pulled up to my house. I opened the car door and hopped out.
"Thank you for everything Jesse! Have a good training session I'll see you soon!" I waved at him as I walked to the front door. "Bye Mai, love ya!" He yelled out the window as he drove off.

Authors note- not long of this story left unfortunately :(

Mai Verstappen the Mafias girl - mason mount Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat