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Jisung has been with the Alpha for a week now, but he only sees Jaehyun in the evening for dinner and never otherwise. Which doesn't really bother him, since he doesn't feel an emotional connection to Jaehyun, but something about Jaehyun worries Jisung. Jisung doesn't know exactly what it is. Maybe the lonliness, but maybe it's just the fear that he still feels once he faces the Alpha. But what bothers Jisung about the whole thing is that even though the two have no bond, Jaehyun forbids him to leave the castle. That's why he usually sits in his room and just stares outside. Jaehyun is not yet aware of Jisung's true identity. He still assumes that Jisung is a human, a Beta being, that has only got lost in the hybrid world. Usually these are then killed or taken to a region where they cannot tell anyone about the existence of hybrids, but Jaehyun simply cannot let Jisung go. There is something appealing about Jisung that Jaehyun cannot explain.

Today is again one of the days when Jisung sits at the window and just stares outside. He sees a big forest and in front of it a big beautiful garden with a lot of colors. Every time he sees this he gets homesick and a tear rolls down, but he doesn't dare to run away. He's afraid that the alpha will catch him and then kill him. Jisung does not want to die yet, even if he no longer sees any meaning in life, as he no longer has anyone in his life who is important to him. But at that time he promised his parents that he would continue to live for them and make something of himself. But now he is sitting here in a castle as a prisoner of a ruling alpha.

But Jisung sees something in the alpha. Something that worries him. Jaehyun always looks so cold, but as soon as they look at each other, Jisung sees something in his eyes. Something that makes the cold Alpha look a little nicer and friendlier, but Jisung is definitely only wrong.

When he went from the window, the door suddenly opens and a growling Alpha storms in. Jisung gets scared when he sees Jaehyun like this.
"S-Sir?" He says in a trembling voice.
"You!" Yells the alpha at him. Jisung is confused. What has he done that Jaehyun reacts to him that way. After all, he just sat in this room the whole time and looked out the window and the days before that too. He hasn't seen Jaehyun in ages.

Jaehyun approaches Jisung with anger in his eyes and braided teeth, while Jisung slowly walks back, but then he comes to the wall and Jaehyun puts his arms to the right and left of Jisung. They look each other in the eye and Jisung can see something else in Jaehyun's eyes besides the anger.
"It's your fault!" Says the alpha.
"Wha-", but before Jisung can say anything he feels Jaehyun's lips on his as they move aggressively and intensely on his.

Jisung is shocked and can only wide his eyes, while Jaehyun tears the kiss and even sticks his tongue into Jisung's mouth. After the hot kiss, Jaehyun lets the little one breathe again. But when the alpha notices what he has done he gets angry again and storms out of the room furiously and slams the door behind him. Jisung is confused and doesn't understand what just happened.
The alpha who kidnapped him has now kissed him and was angry afterwards as if it was Jisung's fault. Jisung falls desperately on the bed and thinks it is best if he goes to sleep now.

Jaehyun, on the other hand, storms into his room angrily and slams the door. He sits down on his bed and runs angrily through his hair.
"What's wrong with me?" He asks himself, although he already knows the answer.

"I have fallen in love!"

𝔗𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔬𝔩𝔣 // Jaehsung Where stories live. Discover now