"Naruto! How was school?" My mother greeted cheerfully, as she did everyday.
     "Good, mom." I smiled back at her, hanging my coat uniform on the jacket rack.
     "Dinner will be ready in an hour, your dad's in his office." She beamed at the mention of my father, he was her everything, and she was his. Just the way it's supposed to be.
     "Okay. Thank you," I kissed her lightly on the cheek, hugging her awkwardly with one arm around her shoulder. "i'll be in my room." She nodded and disappeared into the kitchen, humming to herself as she walked away.
     I made my way upstairs. A new crisp white carpet replaced the old burgundy we'd had before. The texture was nice on my feet, if not a little too soft, too welcoming. Too overwhelming.
     A panic attack is coming on, I could feel it. I had to focus on something, anything to get out of this meltdown.
     My cello I hadn't played since middle school, still sitting alone in the corner, begging to be brought out of its case and played with.
     The pink paper carnation from my mother, placed carelessly in what was once an empty space on a shelf.
     Unnecessary books on an unnecessary bookshelf, pushed up against my pale blue walls that hadn't been painted since I was 7.
     Textbooks and paperwork piled on my desk, sticking out from the neatness like a sore thumb, deciding I would hyper-focus on that. I huffed and trudged over to the mess, throwing away papers that were of no use to me, and stacking the ones I still needed into a pile.
     I stacked my notebooks neatly in the center of my desk along with my work I still needed, stepping back to appreciate my work. Now, everything was perfect.
     Everything except everything.
Why did Sasuke Uchiha stare at me in class? Why me, of all people? Is it because I was top of the class before him? Is it because of my popularity with the ladies (that he was slowly taking from me as well)? He's hated me and picked me out from the rest of the crowd from the second he stepped into Sensei's class. Why me?
Thinking about him made my blood rush faster, in what I could only assume was anger. Remembering the feel of his stare on the back of my head bothered me more than anything. It was always me, he always chose me to pick on.
I groaned, realizing I'd given myself a headache thinking about Sasuke Uchiha. I aimlessly stumbled around my room until I walked over to the bookshelf, picking out a random book from the second shelf down.
"Pfft.. Romeo and Juliet, how original.." I mumbled to myself, flipping carelessly through the pages until landing on a random page.
"Love is healthy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake.." I shut the book, scoffing at the sweet sappy romance that only occurred in fairytales. Love. What a stupid concept.
Though, true love must be real. My mother and father have been head over heels for each other since they met, maybe it was pure coincidence they'd been driven together. It's like they had their own gravitational pull towards each other. How jealous I was.
     "Naruto! Time for dinner!" My mother's call was muffled by my door, I sighed and chuckled, shaking my head in disappointment. I wasted an hour doing absolutely nothing but moping around. How embarrassing.
     "Coming!" I slipped off my tie and changed quickly into a pair of pajama pants and a plain white tank top before heading down.
     "Son, come have a seat." My fathers deep voice boomed, he sounded stern yet calm and.. sad at the same time. How he does it? No idea.
     "How was work?" I asked. I didn't care much for his doctoral studies at all. I just didn't want all our conversations to be so painfully awkward.
     He sighed uncomfortably before looking to my mother for comfort. She came over and rubbed his shoulders reassuringly, they both stared empathetically at me from across the table. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.
     "Naruto.. my old friend, Hatake Kakashi recently reached out to me. We had a very interesting phone call.." My jaw dropped out of pure shock. My fathers face was apologetic as he kept going. "He calls and tell me you've been having issues with a boy in your class. Well, thing is.." He chuckled humorlessly now, "I personally know the Uchiha family. They've heard about this all and we, as families, both decided it would be best if we let you boys talk through your troubles."
     "Naruto, I know it sounds bad, but it'll be better for the both of you!" My mother smiled sadly, subbing in for my father while he stared down at his lap, something very out of character for such a commanding man such as himself.
     "Why.." I whispered, tears threatening at the backs of my eyes while I swallowed violently and willed myself to keep them down.
     "It's already been established. The two of you will be together until this is all over and the tensions blown through. Alright?" I nodded once, not entirely listening to my fathers words.
     "Would you- would you like to take your dinner upstairs for tonight?" My mother was now at my side, rubbing my hair lovingly while I stared down at the table. Once again I nodded curtly, and she hummed in response, picking my chopsticks up for me and patting my back along the way as I left for my room.

     I didn't eat my food that night. I know my mother would have felt guilty, so I instead just dumped the rice grains onto the flower box out my window, knowing a hungry bird would come by and eat them gratefully.
     I stared at my ceiling, still struck with surprise, anger, and sadness. No. Sadness couldn't begin to describe this feeling. This feeling of betrayal that was so much more than betrayal itself. How could Kakashi-Sensei do that to me? Rat me out and tell my parents? I should've known. Now my parents would worry and I'd have to sit here feeling stupid about ever opening up to my Sensei.
     I just had to pretend to get along with Sasuke Uchiha long enough that they wouldn't be concerned for my well-being anymore. I rolled my eyes and huffed in anger. This is such a hassle to go through, all because Sasuke couldn't stop staring at me in class, and now we both had to pay the price.
     It was a cold Thursday evening, tomorrow was Friday, then I had the whole weekend to myself. I just had to get through tomorrow without worrying about Sasuke Uchiha, and then I would be able to go along as I please in my room all weekend.
I held back a scoff, knowing I'd most likely have to spend the weekend with him as well. What did he want from me? First he takes my spot as the brightest student, and now he takes my free-time? Perhaps Sasuke's a goblin, trying as hard as he possibly can to get on my nerves, poking and prodding at me until one day I snap.
He certainly looks enough like a goblin: dark hair, sharp features, pale ivory skin. I'm surprised he didn't glow in the sunlight like all those fake vampires in the romance stories.
Romance, romance, romance. How fake. If Sasuke'd left me alone in the first place, we wouldn't be forced to be around each other. He's out to get me, I just know it. He wants something from me...
Maybe I am suffering from paranoia?

My Sudden First Kiss | Sasuke x Naruto [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now