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A/n Hi before you start reading this... English is not my first language!! If you see any mistakes please point them out so I can fix it!
Okay that's all enjoy!

Hey my name is Y/n and I'm the youngest. Youngest of what you may wonder? The youngest daughter of the demon king. I'm also well know as the crow sin, sin of kinda everything? It's weird and I myself haven't figured it out .

-Couple thousand years ago-

I was walking next to Meliodas. We just sealed away the 10 commandments and the holy war was over. Meliodas and I got a pretty shitty curse. Everytime we die. We lose a part of our emotions. And if we die to many times we turn back to our old selfs, and that's something I don't want to happen.

Elizabeth has the curse of being reincarnated every time she dies. That happens when she starts remembering again cause she doesn't remember anything when she is reincarnated, which sucks for Meliodas. I never liked Elizabeth that much, but if my brother is happy with her I'll respect that.
I was walking I my own thoughts, but that stopped when Meliodas started to talk to me.
Hey Y/n what are we going to do know, he says. I don't now man, you tell me. Great answer Y/n... Yeah I know.

- When the seven deadly sins were holy knights -

We won the battle and we were all happy. Ban lifted me up out of happiness. OI PUT ME DOWN. I start kicking him and punching him. If there is one thing I hate, it's getting lifted up or spiders.... I don't like spiders.. very spooky. Meliodas laughs at the sight of my kicking and punching Ban. Daine just looks, King sighs Escanor is worried and Merlin and Gowther don't care.
Can someone help me!? Daine helps me out of Ban's grip. Thank you Diane, and I high five her.

We get told that Zaratras wants the see us. And we all start walking towards the  place Zaratras is expecting us. Meliodas was talking to Ban about how much he is going to drink when we were done talking to Zaratras. I laugh. "What's so funny" Meliodas says. Well I think it's very funny that you think you can out drink me. I'm sure i can he says back. We'll see about that.

We open the door and see Zaratras pinned to the wall and dead. Hey guys I think we have a problem I hear Ban say. I look outside and see that we are surrounded by Holy knights.

Ahhh shit and that's the last thing I remember from that day....

Hey hey I know this is very short but I wanted to know first if you guys are interested in this or not so anyone that reads this please let me know if I should continue!!
Bye bye a raccoon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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