A Story!

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from HttydMiraculousFan! (thanks)

This is a story about me and my friend. We were just discussing on how we would come out and stuff.

I am Aroace and I am fine with the idea of Platonic marriage (my parents are gonna get me married wether I like it or not), so yay 😃

Unless the person (i assume the one they wanna come out to?) knows and supports the LGBTQIA+ community, Not coming out.

My friend told her other 2 friends.
One reacted like, "Wow, Cool" And the other, "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE BISEXUAL?! HOW?! WHO TOLD YOU THAT!?" (Yea, she is Bisexual)

And we just burst out laughing, like, no one tells you to be your sexuality, you just are

also, sorry that i haven't been updating this much, i promise, i'm working on it!

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