a little note + chapter 5

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I have an idea for a miraculous themed book. And its an x reader of course no shit. ALSOO.

Its an Adrien/Chat Noir x reader. EEEEEEE-

SO! Imma finna put my ideas in that story after finishing this sequel. 😉



(Merlin's pov)

Everything happened so fast I didn't even have time to react.

So what happened is tha- oh wait. Y/n must've told you what happened in her pov, so why waste words? Also Author chan is lazy so she would've just copy pasted it.

Hey! Shut up and go along with the story.

Right right okay, I apologise. But before I explain, you reader chan, are absolutely gorgeous. And I love you. And I'm not cheating on y/n becauseeee y/n is the reader, which means you, which means I love you!


OKAY SORRY FOR SPREADING LOVE I GUESS! Whatever. She's grumpy so she will probably murder me if I don't sta-

*Heavy inhaling and exhaling*

OKAY OKAY GEEZ, FINE. BLOODY HELL. Anyway where was I? Oh yeah.

I ran outside the castle as I took everything in. I turned my head up to the sky to see....snow fall? But it was summer just a second ago? Whatever I'll think about that later.

I looked around the crowd to find y/n, but instead I spotted Anna and Hans. I sprinted towards them.

"Guys what's happening?" I asked

"Elsa is happening" Hans said and I gritted my jaw. I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind but y/n's voice beat me to it.

"Be a little respectful will you? She's your Queen and Me and Anna's sister. Not a peasant. If you don't know what to speak at a wrong or the right time, then shut your mouth" She came out from behind me and glared at Hans.

"Y/n! Be respec-" Anna started but got cut off.

"Anna please, shut up. If you don't have respect for your sister, at least respect Elsa as a Queen" She said and stomped away. I followed her.

"Y/n, love where are you going now?" I asked as she called for a horse and sat up on it. Before she could run away on the horse, I grabbed her hand. There was commotion behind me with some weird white haired old man and Anna, but I ignored it.

"Y/n" I called and she turned her to me. I could see fear, worry and anger in her e/c eyes. I frowned.

"Love answer me" I gently asked her.

"I'm going to find Elsa in the North Mountain. I saw her going in that direction" she said and turned her gaze away, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Then let me come with you. We'll find her together" I said. She looked at me again. She hesitated, but nodded.

"Together" she said with a small smile. I smiled as well as I climbed up on the horse behind her.

"Guys wait!" We heard a voice making us turn our head towards it. It was Anna. I glanced at y/n to see her gaze turn a little cold.

"Let me come with you. I'm-I'm sorry. I want to help you find Elsa too" She said. Y/n sighed and nodded.

"Fine" She said. Anna smiled and called for a horse. I sighed and rubbed y/n's arm gently to calm her down. She relaxed a bit in my touch making me smile.

Frozen [Sequel to I Just got Merlined (Merlin x Reader)]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin