chapter 4

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Lez go🏃‍♀️💨


I woke up and yawned, stretching my arms in the process. I was getting up from the bed only to be pulled back in. I turned my head to see Merlin sleeping peacefully, with his arms around me holding me tight. He looked adorable. I carefully lifted his arms and placed them on the bed to not wake him up, and got up to get ready for the ball. It was 6:30 p.m., so I slipped into my usual black shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans and a black belt along with a dagger for safety purposes. What can I say? I look hawt in them.

I walked out of the bathroom. Merlin was still sleeping and we still have 1 hour. So I can wake him up in another half an hour or something.

Hm....what can I do in the meantime? Oh yeah! I can check if everything's in place!

I ran down the stairs of the castle, checked everything and every single room. Everything was in perfect place and people have started dancing to the music. I smiled. Oh shoot I forgot to wake Merlin up!

I ran up the stairs again and sprinted to our room. I slammed the door open witha loud noise that should've made Merlin wake up, but it didn't. I groaned and speed walked to the bed. I started shaking his shoulders.

"Merlin wake up! The ball has already started!" I said. He didn't even flinch. This man is getting on my nerves now.

That's it.

"MERLIN SOMEONE ATE YOUR PICKLES!" I yelled in his ear and he screamed.

"NOT MY PICKL- wait what? Y/n! That wasn't funny!" He sat up in panic and once he realised, He pouted. I sighed and chuckled.

"Finally! Now get your booty up or I won't hesitate to drag you out of bed. The ball has already started" I said crossing my arms and smiling a bit. He instantly got up and sprinted to the bathroom to get changed. I waited for a few minutes and he was already in his usual attire.

"Let's go!" He said wrapping his arm around my waist and led us out of the room.

(Time skip becuz author chan is lazy af)

People were dancing to the cheerful music and I was staring from afar. The music stopped and the whole crowd clapped with a smile, including me.

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle!" A butler said as Elsa came into view. Everone bowed down while I cheered from behind.

"Princess Anna of Arendelle!" He said pointing in the other direction as Anna came out in the view. The crowd was still bowning down and of course, I cheered. Just as she came out she stood down the little pair of stairs near the thrones with a small, cute but awkward wave. The butler came near her and gently grabbed her arm before guiding her near where Elsa was standing.  Then everyone stood up and clapped including me. The crowd calmed down and I went to my beloved sisters, but stopped midway as I let them talk. I mean they haven't seen each other since...what? Forever?

"Hi" Elsa said to Anna.

"Hi-hi me? Oh, hi" I silently giggled at their interaction.

"You look beautiful" Elsa said with warm smile.

"And you look beautifuler! I mean not beautifuler, you look more beautiful" Anna said. I silently giggled. I could clearly see the happiness on their faces. It made my heart melt.

"You know its not good to stare at people m'lady" A voice said making me turn around. Merlin stood there with two glasses of Champagne making me smile wider.

"Oh please, says the one who stares at me like a pedo all day" I teased taking a glass out his hand and taking a sip.

"That's mean" I chuckled and looked back at the two twins. Merlin held my hand and interwined his fingers with mine.

"They look so happy" I said with a smile as The two twins started giggling at something.

"Mhmm" He just hummed and we silently watched the sisters, not including me of course, with a smile on our faces.

Maybe things will be better between them from now on.


Forget what I said.

Anna brought the Hans guy with her, asking for a blessing because she wanted to get married to that man she doesn't even know. Me, Elsa and Merlin told her that she can't marry a man she just met. Then she snapped and told Elsa that she only knows how to shut people out, and that me and Merlin don't know what true love really is. And I will just say one word,


Then after that she pleaded Elsa to tell her what she was hiding, and that they can solve this together, but it got Elsa crazy mad. She lost control and well, lets say she is now being called a monster.

And now I'm chasing after Elsa, because she is running away.

"Elsa!" I yelled through the corridors of the castle following her.

We eventually came out of the castle. Elsa was standing near a now frozen water fountain, surrounded by terrified people, and lemme say it's shape was "terrifying". Not for me, I don't know how these people found it scary. Its just powers! Haven't they heard of the F8?

"Elsa please calm down!" I tried to stop her from panicking but obviously it didn't work. I heard footsteps from behind me and I opened my mouth to stop them, but Anna yelled from behind me.

"Elsa wait!" She had her glove in her hand. Right I didn't mention that did I?

"Stop her!" Someone yelled and I turned around to glare daggers at the bastard who said that. It was an old man with white hair which slicked back, and he had two guards around him. More like goons, but oh well.

"Please stay away from me, stay away" Elsa said with her voice shaking, she waved her hands around to make a no sign, but instead ice shot through her palms. I sense of nostalgia hit me as I witnessed the scene unfold in front of me, and I visibly flinched. The ice grew as spikes and we fell from the slippery surface.

"Monster...Monster!" The white haired bastard yelled and I flinched again. This scene was all to familiar to me and I knew how Elsa was feeling right now.

Elsa panicked more and started running away. I ran towards her as well.

"Elsa please wait! We can figure this out!" I yelled again. She ran downwards near the fjord and I followed her. She looked back right when she stopped right on the edge of the fjord and turned her gaze away as she stepped on it. It immediately turned into hard ice and she began running again. I tried following her but slipped. How? I should've managed!

"Elsa stop!" I heard Anna's voice, then a thump and a soft 'no'. I didn't bother to turn my head towards her as I stared right in front where Elsa disappeared. I felt guilt. I could've stopped her if I tried harder and wouldn't be such a klutz. I blinked the tears away and decided to find her and bring her back. I turned around and started walking away, but stopped.

"The fjord.." I heard Hans mumble and turned around. The water was frozen and the ships started to cover up in snow. My eyes widened and I quickly ran back to the castle.

Elsa set off winter everywhere.

Frozen [Sequel to I Just got Merlined (Merlin x Reader)]Where stories live. Discover now