Chapter 2

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I let my brown locks loose as usual, covering up the fresh cut I was sporting under my eyebrow. I threw on the worn out hoodie over my usual tee and paired it with washed off jeans. Grabbing my backpack from the corner of my bedroom, I climbed down the stairs and walked into the kitchen to grab a quick waffle and say a brief goodbye to my parents before heading for school.

The walk wasn't long, I live 15 minutes away and it was bearable with earphones plugged in your ears. I put the songs on shuffle before I started walking. The sun was covered with some clouds today and the weather's kind of windy.

By the time I saw the school's gates, I have 5 minutes to gather my things from the locker and head to class.

In my rush of speed-walking to class with my head down, I bumped into somebody, sending my things sprawling to the ground.

I muttered a quick apology, collecting my notes and papers into a pile and picking them up.

"You know it'll help if you try looking at where you're walking instead of your shoes. I mean I get that girls are obsessed with their shoes but really, I think you'll find it easier to walk without crashing into anyone." The guy lectured. I rolled my eyes, keeping my head down. I don't have time for this. "And your hair's probably covering half of your eyesight." I saw his hand creeping up towards my face and my hand immediately shot out to halt his movements before he could unveil the bruise I was trying to cover with my hair.

"Keep your hands to yourself," I hissed, throwing his hand that I caught away as if it was the vilest thing on Earth. What the hell is wrong with this guy.

I realized my slip up too late and settled with cursing myself. I've never let anyone get to me. But then again no one has ever really tried to touch me or even come anywhere near me.

I raised my eyes to meet his and my breath hitched in the slightest way as I caught his appearance. I didn't look at people's faces too much so I couldn't decipher if this guy was a new person or if I've just been living under a rock.

When he quirked an eyebrow at me, I quickly shook my head slightly and re-gathered my thoughts before quickly side-stepping him. I dashed towards my homeroom class and arrived just as the bell rang. Immediately heading for my usual seat, right beside the window that overlooked the school's grass-field.

"Good morning class. We have a new student today and I would appreciate it if you all can welcome him warmly into the school's community." Our homeroom teacher announced from the front of the class as she strolled in.

I didn't even bother looking up since the girls that were gushing over him gave me a pretty decent description of 'how hot' this new guy looked. I could see from my peripheral vision that the jocks were already greeting him with brief cocky smirks. It was enough to tell me he was a soon-to-be member of the popular squad which means another bully for me. Yay me!

It was my pure luck that the only vacant seat was right by my side. Please note my sarcasm. I shuffled my seat away from the chair beside me as subtly as possible. The seat made scraping sounds when it was pulled back by the new kid. I was dreading this already and he hasn't even taken his seat.

I was glaring at the table but snapped out of it when a chuckle came from beside me.

"What did that table ever do to you?" A familiar deep voice asked. It wasn't hard to pinpoint who it belonged to when it was the voice that had been lecturing me in the hallways not even 5 minutes ago.

It was as if I was momentarily brain dead and forgot that I was supposed to slip into my nerd character when I let a few reckless words slip. "It was more of something it didn't do," I muttered through clenched teeth. Like come to life and kick you in the nut-sac far away from me.

That was my second slip up. Someone slap me. I never slip up. I've always played my role as a nerd flawlessly.

"I'm Adam, by the way." The new kid introduced himself while I stayed silent and kept my head down. I wasn't going to let him in. He'll be popular the second that bell rings so it was best to keep my distance and not get fond of him anytime soon.

After a few minutes, he attempted to break the ice once again, "and you are?"

"Nerd." I told him simply.

He chuckled lightly before realizing that I was serious and immediately stopped.

"That can't be right.." He trailed off, causing me to shrug in response, "It's what people call me so it just sticks after a while."

"Okay, what do your friends call you then?"


"Oh come on." He groaned lowly.

I tried to prevent the ends of my mouth from quirking up but failed miserably and I assumed he caught that slight change in my expression when he started getting flirtatious over it.

"You should smile more, it suits you." I rolled my eyes when I heard the cheesy pick up line.

Yeah right. Nice try.

And that was my third slip up. Seriously, someone whack me upside the head. I was supposed to be the shy nerd who is too scared to be have an attitude.

The bell rang and I darted out of my seat and out the classroom door before he could get a grip of me. I figured that I kept tripping over my character because of how much being around him seemed to irk me.

I didn't get a good look at him but I didn't care. Won't be seeing him anytime soon.

Boy was I wrong.

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